More Black Belt Stitching Wizard Stuff
Week 12 Progress
Okay here it is, Teresa Wentzler's Wedding Sampler, its coming along nicely now I just wish I had more time to stitch!

This evening before TKD I was all gun-ho to get some framing done. I have two oil paintings that need to be stretched, and I cut and put together the stretcher bars. I got to pinning one of the paintings to the bars and ready to staple... the stapler I bought on Saturday is a PIECE OF CRAP! When I'm trying to staple the chamber that holds the staples is shooting open! Needless to say that's getting exchanged tomorrow! So that's another delay on these framing jobs that I've been procrastinating over!
Easter Weekend HD
Thursday night I started the Dragon Dreams freebie Dragon of Hope 2005 offered on the Dragon Dreams Website.
I haven't had tonnes of stitching time this weekend but I've managed to finish this little piece. It uses DMC cottons, Kreinik braid, and is stitched on 28ct Jubilee Ocean Princess from Sugar Maple Fabrics.
Mini Mystery H - Happy Dance
I finished the last installment of this Chatelaine Mystery late last night, it took me longer than I expected to get all stitched up. The theme of this Mini Mystery was Amethyst. It the last installment in the jewel series for the time being (Martina Webber assures us she'll be doing more in the future). The next Mini Mystery, I starting on April 1st is Romantic Castles. I just found out some of the items for the kits are on backorder so it dosen't look like I'll be starting on time but I'm sure I'll catch up.

I got a nice early Birthday present today (its on Sunday) my friend Chrisanne (Pennygwen) bought me the membership to Midi Mystery 1 from Chatelaine which starts on July 1st. The colours are gorgeous and the theme for this series are time period gardens, this first one is Medieval. Thanks for the pressie Chrisanne!
Week 11 Progress
Here's an updated progress pic. of Teresa Wentzler's Wedding Sampler. I didn't get much done during my holiday, but enough to keep the momentum. If I can find the time to dedicate to this piece I think it will wrap up fairly quickly.
Stitching Blogger's Question Of The Week (March 16th... late again!)Q : On *average*, how many hours a week (7 days) do you think that you spend cross-stitching?A: Well it really does vary. I'd like to say at least 10??? I probably stitch at least one hour an evening when I'm busy more when I'm home. On the weekends there are times I can stitch the entire day!Hmmm tough question to answer.
March Break
Well it was nice to get away! But I didn't have an amazing trip, maybe that's because of the weather, or because I've been there before. On the 11th my Mum and I left right after work and started I drive for Myrtle Beach S.C. The weather through New York State and Pennsylvania was horrible! There was a bad snowstorm, but I kept going, white knuckling it through the mountains. I got just South of Harrisburg Pa. when I packed it in for the night at about 10:30.
Saturday started out much better, we were on the road by 7am. While stopped at a light in Fredericksburg Va. I looked over to the vehicle beside me. Well I just burst out laughing, it was a co-worker and his family on their way south as well. As my friend Christin says, you can't take me anywhere! We ran into a bit of a hiccup when trying to get onto the I-95, a truck had lost its load of pipes and were all over the exit so we had to go further up the road, do a u-turn and use the ramp to the highway going the other direction... much better than my initial thought of going North on the I-95 to the next exit then turning around. Sometimes I have dumb ideas! Our trip continued on without problems until we hit Richmod Va, the home of cancer sticks (all the major cigarette manufacturers are there). I was driving along in the fast lane when somehow, suddenly a large piece of metal was flying through the air straight for my car! My first thought (I told you I had dumb ideas) was oh no, I don't want a flat tire. My Mum's thought was oh no that's coming through the windshield and right at Dani's (my) head. Funny how the brain works. Honestly if I had been just a little closer to the vehicle that came off of (or kicked it up off the ground) or driving a little faster yeah that would of gone right for my head. I was lucky it hit the bottom of my front bumper and under the car, no damage to the car or its passengers. The rest of the trip was uneventful we arrived at our hotel by 6pm to what had been a gorgeous day on the beach.
Sunday we were blessed with another beautiful day! We went for two long walks on the beach and sat out on the deck of our ocean front room. Being pale Canadians we were trying to soak up as much sun without getting burnt! Late that afternoon saw us heading to our favorite restaurant on the beach, El Cerro Grande. I had no idea where it was in relation to our hotel as I've stayed at several different hotels along the strip over the years. Well we burst out laughing when we got in the car to drive... Yup a whole block! We could of walked there!
Here are some pics to show you how lovely Sunday was!

Monday was another nice day, but cooler after walkies on the beach we took off to Super Wal-Mart and Michaels. I think we wasted a good couple of hours in Wal-Mart alone! Actually I think every Canadian was in Wal-Mart that day. Anyhow, we needed to re-stock on snacks and drinks for the week! Our meal out was to one of my favorite places, Applebees, I've never had a bad meal there!
Tuesday was a beautiful day and saw us going to Broadway at the Beach, an outdoor shopping center. We went to a couple of my favorite places, Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory (mmmmmmm....) and Build A Bear where I had to make yes two bears. One was a polar bear for myself (soooo soft!) and the second I couldn't leave behind was perfect for Todd's Mom. My Mum found a great bear for my niece and we had so much fun finding an outfit for it! We had a very disappointing meal at Tony Roma's. My Mum was so looking forward to her meal there and it was okay, mine actually had to be sent back, my chicken was like rubber! And we went to one place we couldn't afford the last time we were at the beach, the Ripley's Acquarium, that was really cool.

Wednesday was cold and rainy... so what else is a girl to do but shop! We hit the outlet malls. I didn't find much to buy but my Mum came away with a nice haul! Our meal out this day was another visit to El Cerro Grande!
Thursday was cold and drizzly. We went up to North Myrtle Beach to check out the Colonial Mall, I was hoping to get some new clothes for work at Lane Bryant but I really hate the spring styles that are out this year, so I didn't get anything. But I did get to go check out Outdoors World and Bass Pro Shops where I got a few things for Todd. I really will have to take him to the one in Toronto sometime, I think its his perfect Mecca. He's been going on about fishing season since December (it doesn't open until May so you can understand how tired I am of hearing about it). Mum and I also went and checked out Barefoot Landing, very similar to Broadway but it was too miserable to be outside for more than an hour or two. Our meal out was once again at Applebees. On the way back to the hotel we also stopped at the "Package Store" what we would call up here the Liquor Store, as we were starting our trip back home the next day and every good Canadian likes to bring some cheap booze back.
Friday we were on the road by 6am! Our trip up to Alexandria Va. was uneventful. This year our trip home had a bit of a side trip to a suburb of Washington D.C. We went to Woodlawn which was a plantation gifted by George Washington to one of his relatives. I didn't want to go for the history of the site, but for the large needlework show they have each year (of course this year was the first time I heard about it). I have to say the show was very impressive there were pieces from around the world! I think next year I'm going to send a piece or two. Also on the property was a Frank Lloyd Wright home, I just had to take the tour of that. My goodness! The man was a genius. I wasn't allowed to take pictures of the inside but I got a few of the outside.

Leaving Washington was cool, we drove along the parkway that follows the river, we could see much of the core of Washington D.C. Once out of the city itself we sat in traffic for at least an hour due to a car accident. I think if we hadn't hit that snag in traffic I might of made it back home late Friday night. But the furthest I could get was just south of Syracuse N.Y. Saturday we got held up at the border for over 30 minutes, they had only one booth open so it was slow going.
Boy it was nice to get home, and my cats really missed me. I'm still trying to decide if Todd missed me.
Honey, I'm Home!And tired, so I will writen about my trip in a day or so.
I'm Outta Here!After work tomorrow I'm off on my March Break Trip! I'll be back around the 20th hopefully with a full report!
Only 4 More SleepsUntil I'm outta here and on my March Break. Boy, oh boy am I not ready. The essentials are taken care of... my car had a good inspection (driving down), the hotel is booked, I have my passport. But there's a zillion things I should be doing now to get ready. I did get my allergy shot out of the way today. There are still last minute odds and ends to pick up ... which I will do on Thursday, I need to get my US money, and travel insurance still. This trip has been months away for ages, and now its upon me!I'm feeling much better after my out of the blue fever on the weekend. I'm almost finished the arch on TW's wedding sampler, and will be able to probably start the columns tomorrow. I think the center will stitch up quickly.
Week 9 Progress and Ornament HD!
Well TW's Wedding Sampler didn't see the light of day very much this week. It should of seen more time over the weekend, but on Saturday afternoon I had a fever that went as high as 103F so I was in no shape to stitch. By this morning it came right down to 100 then within 30 minutes of taking a couple of aspirin I was back to normal and I've stayed that way all day.
So here's what I got done this afternoon on Wedding Sampler

This morning I worked on my March Christmas ornament and got that finished as well this weekend. This month's ornament was of my own choice (since my RR is now done and waiting for the next one to start). I stitched One Starry Night by Stitcher's Habit its from the Just Cross Stitch 1999 Ornament Issue. I stitched it on 32ct Blue Spruce Lugana using DMC cotton, and Kreinik #4 braid and blending filament. Its quite a cute ornament! It will go very nicely with Aurora Polaris by the same designer... if I ever get around to stitching it!
Wee Beasties RR Happy Dance!!!
Yay! I've stitched my last Wee Beastie for this RR! Almost a year later this RR is complete! Now I'm anxious for mine to make it back home, to stitch my own bug and put in a border. Mine will be a bell pull.
Here's Terrance Nolan's c1999 Dimples Designs California Ladybug from Wee Beasties #4
I think next I'll finish stitching my March Ornament... there's not too much left to go on that before I pick TW's Wedding Sampler back up.
Stitching Blogger's question of the Week
Q : Which do you prefer and why? "Old-fashioned" black and white symbol-only charts, charts with colored blocks, or charts with a combination of colored blocks and symbols?
A : I prefer black and white symbol only charts. Why? I just find it easier to read. Also you can easily make a working copy using any ole photocopier. Where if its a colour chart I'd have to go to a copy shop and pay more. Also if the chart is coloured I can't highlight as I go to mark off the areas I've stitched. I think also when you're used to one thing you don't like to change.
Today was a wired day for me. Work was okay, tonight while teaching my classes at TKD I didn't seem to be able talk straight. That's frustrating when you're trying to teach kids... both for you and for them. I don't think I gave as an effective class either.
The snowstorm we had yesterday didn't last as long as they had predicted, we had very little snow overnight so on the drive into work this morning the roads were nice and clear. However during the day the wind picked up and I travel quite a few roads prone to blowing snow and snowdrifts. Its these sort of conditions that make me nervous when driving. The snow drifts I can handle you can see them and slow down. You also know that like a deep puddle they're going to pull your car to one side or the other while you drive through it. What gets me nervous is what you don't see, black ice. I had one run in with it years ago that sent me into a 360 on the highway. Let me tell you, not fun!
Only 11 days until I go to Myrtle Beach!
Got My Nashville Goodies!When you're a stitcher there are two times of the year you look forward to... February and June! February because of the Nashville Show and June because of Columbus. In these two cities there is a large needlework "tradeshow" where many designers and companies release new designs and products. Early February I had placed an order with Traditional Stitches for all of the new Teresa Wentzler and Dragon Dreams designs, sight unseen. I know I like anything they put out! I also ordered one of each of the Fantasy Faire Limited Edition designs, sight unseen. That I probably won't do again, because there are some I like and some I don't like and will never stitch. Hopefully I'll be able to find a good home for them?So here's my stash haul (it'll be the last for awhile... ka-ching)Dragon DreamsJust A Little Peace & QuietSummer's MagicBlackwork Princess (the official chart to replace my class printouts)Teresa WentzlerKnotwork Bookmarks IKnotwork Bookmarks IICastles by the SeaFantasy Faire ChartsDragon Dreams - Imagination CreationVickery Collection - Kiss Me QuickNVP Design - Celtic DolphinsBlack Swan - Winter FairyTeresa Wentzler - You Were Hatched...Cross Eyed Kat - DragonflyBrenda Franklin Designs - Sea Foam SerpentFanta Cat Designs - The Spirit WithinDette Designs - Fixing Up The FairyDragon Fire Designs - The Unicorn Window (no pic sorry)X's & Oh's - Scottish DragonToday and tomorrow we're getting a huge dump of snow 15-25cm since it was half way up to my knees in the driveway when I got home from work I figure we're gonna get more than 25cm. After work I was going to go pick up my Passport and my jacket (off being fixed) but decided to play it safe and come straight home, I can do all that running around on Thursday. Which on the up side I got to pick up my Nashville goodies (see how it always comes back to stitching?).And YAY! I just found out that my favorite sport starts up this weekend! Its Formula 1 racing time again, with the season opener the Australian Grand Prix!Double YAY! The Amazing Race starts up tonight... how long will Boston Rob and Amber last???