As I mentioned before I wrapped up last weekend with three more framing jobs. Now that they've been received I feel free to share them with you.

I framed three school letters for graduates, they all look the same.

I also framed this print for a staff member.
I currently have five more framing jobs waiting to be done. One I will finish this week, two I will get done before July is out and two due in August.
I don't think I shared with you Tuesday's weigh in results did I? Well this past week I had a loss of 3lbs! Wahootie, this means I hit 25lbs lost (total of 27lbs now) I got my 25lbs ring to put on my WW key chain. This past week has been full of food and drinks, I've been making the best choices I could while not being left out. So if I don't see a loss I won't be surprised. I won't be able to weigh in on Tuesday as its Canada Day, I might go on Wednesday or I might just leave it this week. We'll see (I'll probably go on Wed.).
Wednesday night I had my last photography class, we celebrated by cutting out early and going for drinks. That's my way of celebrating! I ended up staying until 11:30pm which means I didn't get home or in bed until after midnight... oops!
Thursday was the last day at work for all the teachers. Honestly, I didn't get much done that day work-wise. There was the year end liturgy and staff meeting, then lunch where I was invited to a teacher's house for lunch (that was nice!). The secretaries and myself were off a little early to go get manicures and pedicures, to use the gift certificates we got at Christmastime. I really enjoyed that! We were all there together, there was adult beverages and plenty of fruit and cheese. After our manicures and pedicures we were off to the end of year staff party. I stayed there until 10:30pm so it was another late night!
Friday was a lovely day at work... I was left alone! Also the secretaries and I went out to a nearby restaurant for lunch which we had received a gift certificate for from one of the staff. After work I headed out to Lynn's house where we stitched the evening away and I spent the night. It was so nice to be able to finally sit down and stitch and not be thinking about all the other things that had to be done!
On Saturday afternoon after I got home... I crashed! I laid down for a nap around 4-5pm... I didn't get up until 8am today! Whew! I guess I needed that sleep?
Today has been so productive! This morning I finished stitching up my squares for round 7 of Fair and Square. Of course I can't share until they've been received! I followed that by finishing Sally's little gift... which I can't share just yet. Then off to do the groceries... my fridge was bare! Back home to work on my June ornament, take a nap and to finish said ornament... which I can share with you!

Charmed Mitten Ornament MHCM10
c1998 Mill Hill by Mary Jurgens-Jones
Stitched on perforated paper with DMC floss and Mill Hill beads
I've pulled my Double Flip-Its back out and I look forward to wrapping up that project! I only have four words to go!