Well, I should correct that by long weekend!
Wednesday night Christin gave me an early Christmas present! She just didn't want to store it at her place. I had been drooling over this scrap booking caddy in Michael's. I could just see the possibilities! A great way to store and tote around all my sewing and finishing bits and pieces!

Our adventure started Thursday morning, bright and early! Christin and I hopped in the car and off we went. The very first stop was in Kingston at the Die cast Model Gallery where we picked up models for Todd for his Birthday (its on Monday). Back into the car and we hit Ann's doorstep at 11:30am just as planned! There were greetings and hugs, and getting our stuff into the house. Soon we were joined by Beatrice and had a wonderful lunch before Ann's Thursday stitchers arrived. Ann's group have grown immensely in the last year there were about 14 ladies there! There was so much to see... and show off (I was asked to bring my finished projects by Marie Paul, one of Ann's ladies), I never got a stitch in!
Once the ladies thinned out it was just the four of us having a quiet stitch until it got close to dinner time. Christin headed off for an overnight visit with Beatrice (as I said they've become good friends). Ann prepared a fantastic lasagna for dinner and we stitched all evening long! It was just decadent!
Friday Ann and I had the day to ourselves for the most part... again lots of decadent stitching! I got to witness Ann's happy dance (I'm sure she'll be sharing on her blog shortly). We were joined in the afternoon by Wendy for more stitching! Beatrice brought Christin back at about 7:30 and the four of us stitched even more!
Saturday Christin, Ann and I did... guess what? Stitching! I've been a little stressed lately and I guess it all hit me on Saturday. I woke up with one shoulder up around my ear... I was tight from ear to shoulder and a huge knot in my shoulder blade. I was also exhausted! So I had to be rude and excuse myself for a nap before lunch. Then after lunch I just had to lie back down... I tried to stitch but made so many mistakes I knew I was useless. I was finally feeling much better by late afternoon, and soon Beatrice joined us again as Dan made us a fantastic dinner (Kudos to Ann for all the prep-work!). More stitching after dinner, where Beatrice finished the piece she was working on (I'm sure its up on her blog by now!). Saturday night was an early night for all of us... that stitching must really exhaust a girl!

Sunday ... today we were treated to a Dan breakfast! More stitching. Early afternoon Christin and I paid for the stash we had set aside at Ann's. I bought a number of boxes of DMC Colour variations (the dark blue I used in my Hedgehog Quaker) that I will use for Paradigm Lost in the fall. I got a piece of 32ct Natural linen for the Fair and Square exchange. Two charts happened to pop into the pile too! Elizabeth Designs Green Old Garden, for some reason it really caught my eye one the shelf, and JBW's French Country - Love. On the way home we stopped in and visited Rebbecca and her wonderful family. The boys actually let us stitch and Rebbecca served us a lovely dinner. I wish we could of stayed longer but I had to get Christin home... she has to work tomorrow. We also made a short stop to get my bangs trimmed. I finally got home after 10pm!
Soooo I have to say a huge thanks to Ann and Dan for letting me stay for so many days and making me feel at home! Also thanks to Rebbecca for letting us stop in with only an hour's notice.

Finally here's my Noah's Sub progress... as usual I didn't get as much as I hoped done, but what can you expect when you're visiting friends!