More Black Belt Stitching Wizard Stuff

Thursday, July 12, 2007

A New Blog to Visit!

Well I'm such an evil influence, yet another of my stitching friends has started blogging! Yay! So head on over and give Beatrice (Stitching With A View) a friendly hello! I met Beatrice a few years ago via Ann's retreat. Beatrice is a lovely person, and has only been stitching for a few years. Her Mom is quite an inspiration she's 90 and still stitches the most amazing pieces over 2 on 28ct evenweave! We can all hope to be like her!

I'm home sick today. Last night I had the WORST migraine ever, I haven't had one this bad in a long time. Along with the pain was horrible nausea. I'm feeling okay at the moment, but any migraine sufferer knows, that can change in an instant! Needless to say no stitching was done last night!

Thank you to everyone for your comments on my last post! I had no idea so many people have been visiting my blog regularly for years! You're all such a huge encouragement... to keep me blogging, and when I visit your blogs I'm so inspired by your stitching and finishing!
Photo : Beatrice (on the right) & Adriana (left)


Julie said...

Good Morning Dani, I'm glad to hear that for the moment you're feeling well and I hope that you don't have another migraine attack today. I'll visit your friend’s blog now to say welcome. Rest well - Julie

Karen said...

Hi Dani,

Great new blog Avatar. :) Sorry to hear about your migraine. As a fellow sufferer, I can sincerely sympathize. Hope you're feeling better. I adore "First Snow." It's beautiful!

Vonna Pfeiffer said...

Oh my...I do so hope you feel better soon...I've never had a migraine and I hope I don't ever experience one. Big hugs to you for feeling good soon!

Karin said...

Hope you're feeling better soon, Dani!

ollie1976 said...

Hope your migraine has gone away for good.

Lynn said...

I'm so sorry to hear you were hit with such a bad migraine. I hope you're feeling much better now. Are yours affected by the weather?
So nice to hear that Beatrice is blogging. I'll head over and pay her a visit!

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your migraine... I hope you feel much better now!

stitcherw said...

So sorry to hear about your migraine, those are so miserable to get. I hope it is gone now and that it doesn't sneak back for a long time.

Breatrice's blog looks great. I enjoyed seeing her Celic Banner and MB piece (I love the little squirrel on that one).

Dawn T. said...

I hope the migraine stays gone!

Anonymous said...

I hope you manage to get rid of that migraine.

... off to visit Beatrice's blog

Faith Ann said...

Congrats on your 800th post! I've visited you throughout the years too (usually in response to seeing that you've posted a new finishing tutorial... they're great!).

First Snow is gorgeous.

Hope you're feeling better in time to enjoy the weekend!

Anonymous said...

I hope you are feeling better!

I'll bee checking out Beatrice's blog.

Jennifer said...

Oooh migraines suck. :( Hate to hear this!!

Beatrice said...

Dani THANK YOU for your kind words...
Yes my mother is a great influence.
That picture is great.
Hope your migraine goes away soon!!!!
It's wonderful to meet so many new stitching friends

Crazee4books said...

Hi Dani, Sorry to hear about the migraine, and hope it hasn't relapsed on you. I've never had a migraine with pain, although I have had them twice, when it doesn't hurt but it does affect my eyesight. Very weird.

I will be checking out Beatrice's blog next. I'm amazed at her Mom in the picture you posted because she doesn't look to be in her 90's at all. Maybe in her mid 70's. Must be the stitching that keeps her looking so young.

Take care. Cheers Judy