More Black Belt Stitching Wizard Stuff

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Obsesson Satisfied

This post is probably about a week overdue.  Last weekend I finally satisfied my obsession with Spring Quakers!  I finished it!  This was just one of those pieces I couldn't put down.  I started it on January 1st, 2016 and finished it 37 days later.  Also starting this project with me was Bonnie, who finished hers 5 hours later than me (amazing that we managed to finish our pieces on the same day), Christin who has barely touched hers but she's got another project she's trying to wrap up.  Also our friend Janice (no blog) started Winter Quakers because she had already done Spring and she finished her just a few days ago!

Spring Quakers
Rosewood Manor
Stitched on 28ct Lilac Grove Jubilee from Sugar Maple Fabrics
Stitched with Valdani Cotton Floss

Sorry I had a hard time getting a good clear picture but hopefully some of of the following closeups will help give you a better idea of just how lovely the colours are.

As previously mentioned I had planned to stitch mine on Queen Ann's Lace Joblean by Whichelt.  However the piece I got was rather "muddy" that it just wouldn't work with the floss colours.  I find though I love Queen Ann's Lace as a staple in my stash I hate the fact that there are wide variations in the dye lot sometimes, and this was one of them.  After a stash dive I settled on my last piece from the long out of business Sugar Maple Fabrics and though I was reluctant to use my piece of Lilac Grove I'm so happy with how it turned out.

As I've been working on this piece and sharing progress pictures, I got a lot of questions about what thread I was using to stitch this piece both from my Facebook and Instagram followers.  I went ahead and used the Valdani threads as  the design was charted.  Since I stitched it on 28ct I used all three strands as they came off of the ball (and a bigger needle I usually stitch with a 28).  I was a little worried about the Valdani threads as I heard a lot of talk about how awful they were to work with.  Over the years I heard complaints about how it tangled and frayed.  I had none of these problems I found it quite nice to stitch with.  I just had to use the recommended threads because of how vibrant they were!  I will certainly be doing the other seasons in Valdani threads in the future!

Next time I buy some stash I'll have to start sourcing out the Valdani threads for the rest of the seasons!!!!

Cranberry Christmas
Prarie Schooler
Stitched on 40ct New Castle Linen, Mellow from Picture This Plus
Stitched with DMC Cotton Floss

After I finished Spring Quakers I needed to stitch up my February Ornament.  I have continued with Cranberry Christmas by Prarie Schooler.  I'm stitching these on 40ct and I'm as usual just loving it!

Next up for finishing is my friend Julie's Joan Elliot Oriental Ladies Round Robin.  Julie had one spot left on her Round Robin after it came back a few years ago and I offered to stitch the last spot for her, she has a silver Buddha planned for this spot and as you can see I've got a fair start on it.  We've got a long weekend and its far too told to go anywhere unless you have to, so I'm sure this will get finished this weekend.

I have a new start to get kitted up soon.  I leave in a few weeks for my annual Dominican Experience trip and over the last few years I've stitched Cirque des Cirque, Cirque des Coeurs and Cirque des Carreaux all from Ink Circles.  This just leaves me Cirque des Triangles left to stitch!  One of my "to do" things this weekend is to get this kitted up and and during the upcoming week get a working copy made.  These pieces have been great to stitch on the plane and while I travel.

Finally Zeus was being rather pretty this morning so I just had to take a few pictures of her.


Clare-Aimetu said...

Oh my Spring Quakers is just stunning - a super finish.

Carolyn said...

Hello Dani,
What a beautiful stitching finish. Congrats on your finish. You my dear are a fast stitcher. The Prarie Schooler finish is lovely. You have a great start on Julie's Round Robin. I am wishing you safe travels on your Dominican Experience. Zeus is a gorgeous cat.

Cindy's Stitching said...

Beautiful pieces

CJ in OK ;-) said...

Wow impressive. Spring Quaker is so pretty and your fabric looks perfect. I agree Valdani threads are beautiful. You have inspired me to do the Autumn Quaker I have the set of Valdani threads for. Cute cat too. Looking forward to triangles.

Kerryp77 said...

That has to be one of the most stunning pieces of work I've ever seen. I can understand the obsession. Have a safe trip and happy stitching.

Christine said...

Congratulations on your finish Dani, it's gorgeous

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the big finish. It is beautiful!

Zeus has gorgeous eyes!

Manuela said...

Wonderful finish.
It is so beautiful.
Have a nice weekend, Manuela

Linda said...

Congrats on the gorgeous finishes Dani. Cute pic of Zeus.


Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Spring Quakers is wonderful! Those colours are so vibrant. I'm glad that the thread experience was a good one too.
I look forward to your annual holiday as much for the latest Ink Circle marathon as for the sunny photos!

Robin in Virginia said...

Congratulations on getting Spring Quaker and your February ornament finished! Go Dani! You have made good progress on the block for your friend's RR. Enjoy your weekend!

Kaisievic said...

Wow! Dani, Spring Quaker is so very beautiful - and you were so speedy! Have fun in Dominica, take care and I hope that you get lots of plane stitching done. Cute Christmas ornie, too and Furio and Milo say hi to the very handsome Zeus. xxx

Kalu V said...

spring quaker is beautiful! i've had my eye on autumn quaker for a while ill have to add it to the shopping cart soon !

Vickie said...

:D GORGEOUS! So wonderful Dani. I am happy to read you are going on the trip this year!

Barb said...

Zeus has such pretty eyes! Your Quaker piece is beautiful!! The colors look so vibrant. Have a good trip!

Bette said...

Such a beautiful finish, Dani. I love the colors!

Marsha said...

Very, very pretty pieces. Looking forward to seeing the buddah.

Justine said...

I can't believe how quickly you've finished this beautiful piece - it's amazing! Great work. Hope you have a lovely holiday and bring back lots of stitching to share with us.

Heather said...

Congrats they look beautiful!

Hazel said...

You did that in 37 days???? I am well impressed! It is gorgeous. It is great to see close ups as well as you can get an idea of the stunning colours. Well done. Zeus is a beauty. X

cucki said...

Beautiful pieces
Looking so lovely x

Bea said...

Spring Quakers is just so beautiful. Congrats on the finish.

The PS ornie is a cute one.

Zeus is beautiful although Yoda did hiss as he walked by.

Julie said...

Spectacular finish, well done.

Rachel said...

Wow! 37 days to stitch that? Huge congratulations! It looks stunning. I hope you enjoy the other seasons just as much. :)

Brigitte said...

Wow, what a finish! I can't believe that you stitched it in only 37 days. That's definitely fast. I love the colours in it a lot. And good that you didn't have any problems stitching with Valdani threads. I have never used them so far.
Very lovely PS piece. And a great start on the Joan Elliott RR stitching.

Lulu said...

Gorgeous finish!

Suz said...

I think Spring Quakers is one of the prettiest pieces I've seen in a long time. Congrats on the fast finish and how much you enjoyed it!

D1-D2 said...

I loved watching you stitch this :)

Von said...

Your Spring Quaker is spectacular, Dani! I'm glad you had a good experience with the Valdani thread - I've not used them at all.

Unknown said...

Your Quaker is so beautiful. I am convinced you picked the right threads the colors are amazing.

It's so wild everyone finished up about the same time. It has to be a very addicting project and looking at your finish I can see why.

Thank you for sharing

Nicole said...

Your Spring Quaker is just so beautiful and vibrant!I have been enjoying your progress pictures on IG but the finished product is so much more vibrant in its totality than I imagined!

Carol said...

Oh, such a stunning finish, Dani--you should be very proud. The fabric and Valdani threads look spectacular together. So glad you the threads worked well for you--the colors are just gorgeous.

And what a dear picture of Zeus--she's a pretty kitty and she knows it :)

valerie said...

Congratulations on your finish! Spring Quakers is stunning! Very cute photo of Zeus!

Carolien said...

Hello Dani,

Your Quaker finish is beautiful! So is your cat ;)

Have a nice day!

Sally said...

Wow what a stunning finish Dani. Congratulations.

Zeus is so sweet!

Susan said...

Congratulations on a beautiful finish. I had stayed away from the Quakers because of what I heard about the threads and I didn't want to spend the time to try to find substitutes. With your comment on the threads, I feel a bit better about them and will put the patterns on my wish list.

OhSewCrafty said...

Spring Quaker is gorgeous! The fabric was a perfect choice. Thanks for sharing your opinions re: the speciality floss.

Our photos said...

Spring Quaker is beautiful!

stitcherw said...

Spring Quakers turned out beautifully, and belated congratulations on your fantastic finish of Fortunate Traveler by TW, it's absolutely gorgeous. The Oriental Ladies round robin you're working on is lovely too, I don't think I've ever seen that one, am looking forward to seeing it with your final piece. Have fun on your upcoming trip, the Cirque pieces are so unique, can't wait to see what you'll get done on Triangles. Sue

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