Thursday, August 30, 2007
I Hope Our Seats Are Good...
Last night I played out one of these scenarios. My Mum, Christin, and I went to The Phantom of The Opera at the NAC. I had bought tickets for us months ago I couldn't get us center seats but I did manage to get us seats in row EE in the orchestra. So that's on the ground level and the first rows are double letters then they go to single letters. As we're walking towards the front I notice that no double letters are starting. Was I wrong? Were double letters at the back? Oh dear. We keep moving forward....
WE HAD FRONT ROW SEATS! I just laughed! I guess when I bought the tickets they failed to mention/show on the seating diagram that rows AA-DD were being removed for the orchestra pit.
What an experience to see Phantom from the front row! Your really can see the costumes, the sets and facial expressions... and you feel like you're in the show just there on the edge watching everything happen... not that you're sitting in an audience.
But, boy, what a late night. After diving everyone home I didn't get home and to bed until at least 12:15am. Its now almost 7am I need to go to work and I'm beat!
Hmmmm... can I get away with sleeping through the first staff meeting of the year?
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Truckin' Along

Sunday, August 26, 2007
Sigh... The End of a Weekend
Friday morning I packed up some clothes, and lots of stitching and hit Hwy 401 once again (the roads I was driving last weekend), this time in the opposite direction to visit with Chrisanne. It was hot and very humid the last few days! It got to the point that even stitching was so uncomfortable... I'm spoilt I really started to miss the AC at home! What was my body's response to heat and humidity? I kept falling asleep! You'd have to ask Chrisanne just how many times but I know I took several naps in my stitching chair at her house! How embarrassing!
While I could I worked on Von's Neighbourhood RR, but having all that fabric draped over your hands and lap on a very humid day got quite uncomfortable at times. However, at home today I worked on it pretty much all day and made great progress.
In between bouts of high humidity I worked on smaller projects....

Mini Cottages 5
August Ornament
For the long weekend I'll be hitting the 401 yet again... I sware my car will soon be able to drive myself there. I'll be visiting with Kathy and I'm really looking forward to it!Thursday, August 23, 2007
Am I the Only One?
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Q & A Time!

Dawn is a frequent visitor and made me that lovely Dragon Dreams tin that I shared with you a few weeks ago. Her question is also in reference to TdM.
Q : Are you using both DMC and Anchor floss?
A : Yes I am, the design calls for both, Marc the designer often uses both DMC and Anchor in his designs and you can't substitute one for the other as they are both used to extend the colour pallate. Marc's sense of shading and detail is just amazing!
Another TdM question this time from Lauren whose blog I don't know her address for (Lauren if you can share that with me I'd be happy to link to you in this post!).
Q : Is it on blue fabric?
A : Yes its on Wichelt's hand dyed joblean line, 28 ct. Bluebell. Gives it a nice, light, summery feel.
Lynn is a wonderful woman and stitcher I got to meet earlier this summer. I look forward to when we can find time to get together and stitch again! She's going to be my roomie in October at the Cross Stitch Cupboard's Retreat where Jeannette Douglas is teaching!
Q : Your framing jobs are awesome! Does it take much time to do all the stretching?
A : Yes and no... it really depends on what type of fabric the piece is stitched on. Sometimes I lace, sometimes I pin. Also it comes down to how straight I get it onto the foam core the first time. Sometimes it has to come off and I have to start over. I rarely stretch a piece in one sitting, I like to put it down and pick it back up over several days. I find if you pick a piece up with fresh eyes you see what you missed the last time. You can also ask my close friends I'm very picky! I want things straight!!!
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
8th Annual Brighton Retreat
I always find there’s a lot of preparation to get ready for this weekend! There are plans to be made numerous phone calls and e-mails. There is the decision of : what food to bring? For me that’s actually easy since I bring a big batch of chili every year… its become expected of me. Shopping for, and preparing of food. Oh and what to pack! Part of this year’s preparation was a flurry of framing!!! Between Wednesday and Thursday I built 5 frames, stretched three pieces, cut one piece of glass and cut one double mat! (see previous post)
Day One (Friday) :
Here we are mid-morning and the car is packed the house is locked up and ready to go! (oh and can’t forget saying good-bye to the boys)
Christin and I made our way to Kingston to stay with her parents for the night. We got there to find no one home and the place locked up. So we took a walk to the neighbours to get the spare key… it turned into a lovely two hour visit with Aunt Suzie. Eventually we made it over to the house and partially unpacked the car. While sitting, visiting, and stitching I noticed a certain little red car drive by several times… I had the sneaking suspicion that it was Chrisanne missing the house! Yes it was she finally pulled in. According to her she was too busy listening to music, directions in one hand, smoke in the other and a can of Diet Coke on the go! How’s that for multi tasking! Also she says she was looking for the Canada flag that had fallen off of the mailbox (meanwhile we did give her a house number … ) and the house with no front step… which we didn’t know had been delivered on Monday. We did try putting the flag back several times but the wind just wasn’t co-operating.
Christin’s parents made us a lovely dinner and shortly after we got to settle in for a good long stitch! In the evening Christin’s Aunt Suzie and Aunt Carol pulled up and not long after so did Rebbecca who I discovered upon my first visit to her place that she’s just a 2 minute drive down the road! We had cake and ice cream to celebrate Christin’s birthday a few weeks ago. It was a great visit with lots of chatting, laughing and stitching!
Also we were treated with several lovely rainbows
Soon everyone started piling into the house, with cries of hello, many hugs and WIPS were whipped out and finishes ooohed and ahhhed over! (See Christin's blog for the finished pieces display... I never got a pic)
(Sunroom full of stitchers)

(Far left Jane?/Janet?, Center Adriana who just turned 91, and Angie)
(Left Judie (whose finished and framed penguins were under constant thread from Chrisanne), center Beatrice, right Barb)
(Marj with one of her framed pieces)
(Beatrice with the Framed Midi Mystery 1 I gave to her... I made her cry!)
I have to say the day was fantastic! It was full of friends, food and stitches! For some reason I had a hard time sitting still on Saturday. I tried to work on two different pieces, Michael Powell's Mini Cottages 5 and when I got sick of all that white Diane Graebner's Cats & Baskets. Here is my progress from the weekend on both projects.

I also got back from Kathy my Instant Gratification Band RR! Doesn't it look great!!! Thanks for your contributions, Kathy, Jodi and Chrisanne! I love each of your choices!

Day Three (Sunday) :
Sunday morning we were greeted with a bit of a dull day, but things quickly cleared up. Best of all we were treated to breakfast by Dan! He was in his full glory with his Shmanky Griddle frying up egg, meats and toast! Kathy also cooked up a great hash brown casserole. Of course eating was proceeded with more stitching! I was more settled and able to stitch on Sunday. By mid afternoon it was time for Christin and I to say our good-byes and head back to her folks in Kingston. Where I have to say much to my embarrassment I promptly fell asleep on the couch!
Later in the evening we sat down and I started teaching Christin's Aunt Suzie how to stitch ... I hope I was a good teacher!
Day Four (Monday) : Time to go home!
I have to say that this year the retreat was almost a mini-reunion of bloggers in attendance were :
Christin of Christin's Ramblings
Kathy of Kathy's Sit and Stitch
Beatrice of Stitching with a View
Rebbecca of Rebel in Ontario
Wendy of Wendy Home at Work
Ann of Knowledge and Needles
Be sure to visit their blogs to see what they had to say and what pictures they too!
Can't wait until next year!
TdM Monday!

I'm back to work tomorrow for a few days.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Catchup Post No. 1

Monday, August 13, 2007
Tour Des Marques Is Back!

I survived my first day back at work. I came back to find my palm scanner isn't loading the drivers for the socket scanner so I lost a day of inventory taking... but I certainly had more work to keep me busy. I did need a bit of a nap when I got home tonight!
I'm looking forward to the approaching weekend, its Ann's annual retreat where we oooh, ahhh, stitch, eat, and a few of us find spaces to sleep be it on the floor, in the shop or in the RV. I can't wait!
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Castle SAL

Saturday, August 11, 2007
Happy Birthday Kathy

This N' That
Thursday, August 09, 2007
2:30 AM and 70,400 Stitches Later

Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Happy Birthday Christin!

Also yesterday was Beatrice's birthday! Happy Birthday Beatrice!
I should get stitching shouldn't I?
(Christin on left, Beatrice on right)
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Now That's Progress & Goals

Sunday, August 05, 2007
Post Cottage Update