Where did I leave off... last Tuesday I think? I meant to share with you my new roof! The previous week while I was on holidays we had a new aluminum shingle roof put on and it looks fantastic! The bonus is... we never have to re-roof again!
Dosen't it look great?
Up tunil Friday night I hadn't stitched since last Monday! OMG what's wrong with me! I did try to stitch on Tuesday night, started Von's RR. I wasn't really feeling that great... ended up ripping out what I started! So I'll start over again today! I don't know why I do it over and over, stitching when I feel a headache/migraine coming on. I always rip out what I attempt to do.
Wednesday was SUPER busy! I spent from the moment I got home until 11:30 pm cutting and building frames... five of them! Thursday was much of the same... after all the running around I had to do and picking up Christin for Friday's road trip I finished up those framing jobs and cooked up a huge batch of chili that took me until 1am!

And the second piece for Marj.

So this is where I'm going to leave you for the moment... I'll pick up next post with my Brighton Retreat report!
All of them look great-nice job!
all the framing has turned out great Dani - well done :) I think its awesome that you do it all yourself.
hey, your new roof looks cool too!
Wow, they look great. You are talented!
Nice roof! You're right, it looks really great. I didn't know that you'd never have to replace that kind.
Your framing jobs are awesome! Does it take much time to do all the stretching? Can't wait to hear about Brighton!
The roof looks great! Wow...all your framed pieces are amazing.
Goodness. Your talent for frames is incredible. Job well done.
Midi Mystery is lovely - sweet of you to give it to your friend. She'll be so surprised
I've never heard of a roof that never has to be replaced. Wow. Aluminum shingles. And it looks nice, too : )
nice roof! Your framing jobs are wonderful. You have a great eye! My first piece was a cat too - maybe there is a theme here hmmmm
Great job with the framing Dani!
Your framing is wonderful...Especially mine.... TeeHee. I love it. You have made me cry again. What is this!!!!
It was a great weekend wasn't it.
Love your roof and I bet it makes a pleasant sound when it's raining :)
Great roof! I agree with Vonna, I bet it does sound soothing when it rains - its making me sleepy just thinking about it. This is one thing I enjoy about my apartment, its on the top floor and has a flat roof so rain sounds great!
Your framed pieces all look great! I am sure your friend and mother will be thrilled with your gifts.
All of the framing looks beautiful! How sweet of you to give Midi to Beatrice!
How cool that you never will worry about your roof again! I haven't seen aluminum shingles, but plenty of other types of metal roofs.
Your framing is awesome, Dani!
Your framed pieces look great Dani, you do a wonderful job.
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