First let me update you on my health, and thank you each and every one of you for all your well wishes, positive thoughts, and prayers! They are all appreciated. A coupe of you asked about my blood sugar levels when I had my episode, well they were tested in the ambulance and were normal. Friday was another jam-packed day for me! I had an early appointment with my allergist and I had to get my heart monitor back to the hospital.
While I was at the allergist we talked about what happened, he tested me for all the foods I ate last Sunday. All of them came back negative, I didn't react to a single thing. He is confident that what I have is Exercise Induced Anaphalaxis (yes, folks you can be allergic to exercise, and just my luck, it happens to me!). Often this is related to a particular food that is eaten 3-4 hours before exercise, but like I said I didn't react to any of the foods I was tested for. Now I did eat in a restaurant and you never know what hidden ingredients or additives there are or if there's any cross-contamination.
On a positive note, not one of the three doctors I saw this past week have told me to stop exercising or running. I have been instructed by my allergist to take an anti-histamine the morning of planned exercise. When exercising the moment I feel the hives begin I am to stop and take another ant-histamine. If at any time I have difficulty breathing, I am to use my Epi-Pen and get to the hospital. Yes, this does sound scary and intimidating, but I can't sit around playing the what if game, and never be active again. So yesterday I picked up a waist pack from a running store that will fit my Epi-Pen, anti-histamines, puffer, and cell phone. Today a group of my classmates at Taekwon-Do were doing their black belt physical tests. So I went out to run with them, one person is going for his 3rd degree which is a 10K run (or 25 laps of the track). Seeing as I was in an environment where there were lots of people, I had my pack, and procedures, I did the 10K since that is what I'll be doing when I eventually go for my 3rd degree black belt. I did it in 73 minutes, I'm quite pleased with that. Guess what???? Not a single hive, I was just fine!
I did do some stitching today, but not as much as I would of liked to on a Saturday. I had a nice long sleep-in, I just didn't want to get up today! A visit with my brother, and a run outside on a beautiful day!
First of all I did manage to finish all the cross stitch on Blackstone Fantasy Garden! Yay! This means tomorrow I can get going on all that blackwork (which I'll do backstitch, there really is no need for this to be reversible. Just neat)!
I also took the time this evening to finish up my fourth, and last ornament for May. Yay! Four in one month is a tall order, but on the other hand I'm now all caught up from the last few months where I didn't get two done.

Geometric Blackwork #2
Stitched on : 32ct Lambswool Linen
Stitched with : DMC and Rainbow Galleries Petite Treasure Braid