In January I found out my best friend from high school, Claire was pregnant with her first child, due in August. I was soooo excited! Where I work is a young staff and it seems like someone else is always announcing their pregnant. Very rarely do I get excited. But when its your best friend and you know she's going to make the best Mum in the world, you can't help but be excited.
When your friend announces a baby is on the way right away what does any stitcher start thinking... baby sampler of course. Since I had stitched Teresa Wentzler's Wedding Sampler for Claire and Patrick when they got married, I knew that her first child would get Teresa's Baby Sampler.
I visited with Claire and Patrick over March Break this year. It was such a great visit, we had some lovely days out, and talked a lot. Talked about the baby, motherhood, future plans, hopes and dreams. Claire was so excited about her upcoming ultrasound at the beginning of April, she couldn't wait to find out the sex of the baby. Unfortunately at that appointment Claire got some bad news, it turned out the baby had a condition called non-immune hydrops. That is the accumulation of fluid in the baby. All these months she and the baby had been closely monitored, he was developing properly and his heart was beating strongly.
On Monday Claire went in for a regular specialist appointment, they could not hear a heartbeat. That afternoon she was admitted to the hospital. Sadly on Tuesday morning she gave birth to a stillborn baby boy, Liam Patrick. My heart just goes out to Claire and Patrick, I was so excited for them and as the months kept passing and the baby seemed to be doing well I had hope that the baby's diagnosis wasn't as grave as the Internet made it sound. I was getting ready to start the baby sampler.
Claire, if you read this and need anything, or need me down there... just let me know!
My heart just goes out to my best friend and her family! Please if you have a moment to say a prayer for little Liam, he's in a better place now.