Photo : Finches feeding on the shore of Lake Ontario
Hedgehog Quaker
cThe Workbasket
Stitched on : 28ct Queen Ann's Lace Joblean
using DMC Colour Variations 4240
At the moment I'm focused on getting my next round robin ready for the mail. This one is the Neighbourhood Round Robin I signed up for quite some time ago. I've got all the basting done now I'm adding my personal touches to it. I'll probably work on it all weekend... it goes out in the mail at the end of the month!
Photo : This photo was taken just last week as the sun was setting and the moon was rising. This is a view from my kitchen.
Silver Thaw #1
c2004 Wren Song Designs
Stitched on 28ct Jubile Using DMC & Kreinik
On the way home I stopped in and had a nice visit with Rebbecca. When I first got there Rebbecca was at the neighbours with the kids. So her husband pulls out an ATV (four-wheeler) and asks me if I've ever been on one. Ummm no. I'm just chuffed... today I drove my first ATV! It was fun! I think I could of ripped around on that thing for an hour! Anyone who knows me well, know I love TOYS! Anyhow, Rebecca's hubby is a nice guy we chatted, I got along with both of them really well. They fed me a great dinner and once the kids were settled into bed for the night we got to stitch for about an hour (where I finished the second ornament) before I realized it was almost 9pm and time for me to get home!
Silver Thaw #2
So here I am... its 1am I've finished the 3rd ornament and I'm wide awake...
Silver Thaw #3
Hmmm wonder why?
Mum and Dad will be picking me up bright and early in the morning for my biopsy. Then I can come back home, settle in on the couch watch movies/TV ... probably sleep and stitch!