We had some local storms this evening and after the heavy rains stopped and I started to open the windows back up... I spotted this rain soaked visitor in my back yard. A fox! Isn't he adorable!

This evening, I had to go into Taekwon-Do briefly, all the black belts were having pictures taken for the website. Don't worry, I'll let you know when they're up. I'm hoping the pictures turn out better this time then the old ones. I'm currently off of TKD until September. About four weeks ago while I was teaching during demonstrating a move I felt something in the bottom of my foot go pop... and instant pain. I finally got into my sports medicine doctor (I did go to the clinic the next day but she didn't really tell me much besides want to send me for a useless x-ray which wouldn't show up soft tissue damage) this week. It turns out I have a partially torn plantar fascitis. So next week I'll be starting physiotherapy... and I can only cycle or swim for exercise.
Anyhow the point of me saying this is that when I left I was just so excited to get home and stitch!!! I haven't felt this way in ages! I do love to stitch, yes but I was just excited and giddy to get home. Have you ever felt this way?
For tonight's stitching pic I'm not going to show you progress on Noah's Sub. Which I did work on tonight by the way. For a change I'm going to share my travel project with you, Michael Powell's Mini Cottages 5. Its not really much at the moment and well, the white on white doesn't really show up at the moment.

Oh and thanks to those of you who visited my friend's blogs. I know Claire was just so excited to receive all your comments and found it really encouraging. When we last talked (online that is) she was off to get the digital camera and take pictures for you!