This ornament was a quickie to stitch up, and boy I'm glad! I feel like all of a sudden a bunch of stitching has fallen into my lap and I'm never going to get to "my stuff"! This week I've gotten in the mail the supplies for the last 3 models in the series I have been doing for A Needle Pulling Thread (that makes a total of 6 pieces in under 6 months!). Also the next installment in the Neighbourhood RR I'm in has shown up. I know that one of my models is due April 1st so, I'm going to have to start that soon, the other two have a lengthier deadline. Also I've just checked and the RR has to go out on Apirl 1st as well, EEEK! I better get cracking!
At this point Moonlight Guardian hasn't been touched in a month (I may splurge and spend a day with it this weekend)! I know as soon as those latest Double Flips get here I'll want to dive right into those... and I'll have to resist! Oh well the sooner I get these projects started, the sooner they'll be done right?

Victorian Lace Snowflake
c2007 Rosewood Manor
JCS 2007 Ornament Issue
Stitched on 28ct white cashel linen using DMC & Mill Hill Beads
At the moment I'm facing two personal quandries that seems to be on my mind a lot. They're not huge issues really and they're not serious but perhaps if I put them down here, they'll leave me alone for awhile. The first one : what on earth am I going to do during March Break (8th-16th)? Unfortunately this year I'm not going somewhere warm and sunny, and after this winter I so badly want to do that! So am I going to visit friends? A day trip to Montreal? Am I going to go mad, hop in my car and either drive to Myrtle Beach or show up on Claire's doorstep in Chatanooga? Those who have read this blog for some time know I have no quandries about jumping into my car and driving 17 hours! Who knows, but its funny how much its bothering me this year that I don't have "solid" plans. I think I was spoilt last year getting to spend the week in San Diego, Ca. and Yuma, Az.!
The second one : my b-day is coming up in about a month (March 27th), and of course I'm getting the age old question... "what do you want for your birthday?". I've almost always had a very clear idea of what I've wanted and have not hesitated to let the right people know. This year that's not the case... if I was going away, the answer would be simple... $ money $ I'm just amazed that there isn't anything I really want (except maybe a haircut)... I mean I always want/am eyeing something! Hmmmm...
See what silly things obsess me lately?