Monday, March 31, 2008
Not Quite Finished

Sunday, March 30, 2008
Some Stitching and Stash

Playing At The Auto Show

I also have gotten a couple of more b-day gifts over the last few days. From Christin and her Mom I got a complete set of DMD colour variations. Christin also got me Transformers on DVD, The latest Foo Fighters CD (which she gave me a few weeks ago before the concert), some colourful Sharpie markers, Cadbury Thins and a number of zipper mesh bags (I seem to have so many projects on the go that I don't have enough). From my brother I got two great gifts, a backpack that will hold my SLR camera, laptop, and there's room for stitching! LOL sometimes when I travel I carry at least 3 bags! Also he got me a gorilla tripod, its very cool!
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Today, I'm 32!
Yay! Its my Birthday today, and I have decided that it doesn't bother me being 32. Now according to some of my co-workers, 35 is one that they all seemed to dread!
So far today the staff here at work have managed to make me feel special today! Its almost lunchtime, and I've received gorgeous roses (will share a pic tonight), quite a number of cards, many birthday wishes and hugs, the latest issue of The World of Cross Stitch, and a yummy slice of coffee cake! The leftovers were sacrificed to the staff room... that way I only have one slice!
Todd told me last night to be ready for 6:30, that he has a reservation for dinner. He wouldn't tell me where...
So today its a very low points breakfast and lunch for me! Hopefully I can stay on point today!
In honor of my 1001st post and my 32nd b-day I'm going to have a draw for a stitched "something" made by me! So leave me a comment and I'll enter your name in my draw!
Well I have to say this has definately been one of my better birthdays! When I picked up the mail I had two birthday parcels and a card!

Vicki Made me this beautiful little pillow.

Kathy Made me this gorgeous un-stuffed pillow (cheaper to send it that way) and a few extra goodies.
Todd was a good boy and did take me out for dinner! We went to a little place in a stone house called Cabatto's. Yummy and I sooo killed my points! LOL Actually the dinner came out okay, it was the chocolate mousse that did me in!
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
1000 Posts Later!

Wow! Who would imagine when I started this blogging journey back in 2003 that I would be still doing this almost 5 years and 1000 posts later!
I think first I must thank each and every one of you! Each of you who stops by to see what I've stitched lately, what I've seen or where I've gone lately! Back in May of last year I finally put a counter on my blog, and hopefully by May this year I'll have had 50,000 hits! You people just amaze me! Also I love every comment I get! It encourages me to keep sharing my life with all of you ... and I hope I don't bore you too much!
Many of you have been with me through my high moments and my low. Through my triumphs and one of the most scariest moments I've ever had to go through when a year ago at my annual exam my Doctor found a lump in my breast. You were there through the mammogram and the biopsy and finally the negative results. The support I received was just overwhelming and it really helped me through a tough month! Now many of you are there cheering me on though my Weight Watchers journey. Thank you so much!
I've also been glad for every blogger/stitcher out there I've managed to meet in the last five years! I've made some amazing friends through this little website, both in person and online! I've also enjoyed each and every one of your blogs, how you've enabled me and made my wish list get bigger and bigger!
Here's hoping to many more years of happy blogging, and as time passes by I hope to meet more of you on my travels!
Oh yeah... I lost another pound this past week! Yay!
Monday, March 24, 2008
An Afternoon at the NAG

Debby's RR On The Go

Saturday, March 22, 2008
Being A Little Selfish...

Friday, March 21, 2008
Model #4 Finished, Models 2 & 3 Revealed

Thursday, March 20, 2008
Foo Fighters!!!
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Model #5 Done and Progress Pictures!

Saturday, March 15, 2008
Fair & Square Round 5 Received

Thursday, March 13, 2008
Thursday Stitchers

Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Safe And Sound In Brighton

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

After The Snow