More Black Belt Stitching Wizard Stuff
Stick A Fork In It, Turn It Over... ITS DONE!
Its 2am but I have FINISHED Chatelaine's Mystery VI which has been named Indian Summer Reflections c2003.
The whole piece :
Closeup of Part 12:
Gettin' It Done
Now that everything is calming down... well at least for me it is I know many are gearing up for the Christmas season but for me it feels like life is slowing down a little (and if you know me that's a good thing).
This week I'm not going into TKD to train because there are things that need to get done here at home and there's just not enough hours in the day to do everything. This week I've been focusing on framing I've got quite a few jobs to get done before the Christmas break rolls around at work. I framed one piece yesterday, started a second but messed up on the mats. Since there's not enough left I've got to head back to my supplier to pick up two new sheets... just a stupid mistake on my part. I framed another one tonight, my first time framing a painting with a liner. It came out very nice. I also stretched a needlework piece for a friend and once I've got that as straight as can be (I'll play with it a little more) I'll pick out the molding. I was initially planning on matting it but I think a plain frame will draw the eye to the great fabric. I also finally got Take Time To Quilt stretched to the point where I'm happy with it and can pick a frame out for it too.
I need to get to the bead shop and pick up some more supplies to make fobs. I've got orders for three more I'd also like to make some for stitching friends for Christmas. Ahhh the time!!!
I've also been slowly working on my 2nd ornament for the month. Yet again its a piece that requires more stitching than usual for an ornament. But I think I'm going to like it in the end, I can see this one as a piece I will keep for my tree.
That reminds me... I need to get to ornament finishing. I've also got a set of stitched up International Bears (Vermillion) that I'd like go get finished into a quilt for my Niece for Christmas.
See it just never stops... This is just my personal life, lets not forget I work full time, I try to train 2 hrs a week at Taekwon-Do and I teach 2 hours some weeks, 4 others!
Do you feel as tired as I am after reading this???
I'm a Very Bad Blogger!
Well I just took a look, and its been almost a week since my last blog! I'm a very, very bad blogger! How am I supposed to keep you, the reader entertained?
Needless to say its been an insane week for me! I automatically loose one night a week to teaching at Taekwon-Do. I now have one night a week where I teach two classes on a regular basis. I'm actually finding that I love it! But it sure eats into the stitching time. Lately I've only been able to find an hour here 30 minutes there to stitch! This week I had guild one night, taught the next, trained the night after and Friday night I went and saw Great Big Sea with some friends. Saturday I was off to Brighton to our annual ornament finishing day. I spent last night in Kingston and I came back home this afternoon. So needless to say I've barely been home.
When I have managed to find some stitching time this week I've either worked on Dragon's Tea Party from Dragon Dreams or my Ornament for the Ornament RR (its top secret so I can't tell you what the design is).
Hopefully this upcoming week will be a little calmer.
Mini Progress...
Yesterday afternoon part 2 of Mini Mystery G (Sapphire) c2004 was released. Here it is all stitched up. Once again I'm just amazed by the use of colour, texture, and light by Martina Webber.
First November Ornament
I had decided a week ago when I knew I had nothing going on this Sunday that it was going to be a ME day! Today I've slept in, Todd made me breakfast, I've not gotten dressed and I've stitched. This is what I've accomplished by noon today.
Well it feels like this one has been a long time coming! I found this piece a challenge not because of the design but because the scrap of linen I decided to use was fairly loosely woven. I found it difficult to get my stitches to lie nice and flat! But its cute!
Here's Holiday Keepsake Bellpull c1999 Dragon Dreams
Getting near the end of a Mystery...
Since December 25th of last year when we received part 1 of Chatelaine's Mystery VI I've been anxious at the beginning of each month to download and stitch the latest installment. Now after almost a whole year the adventure is slowly coming to an end. Tonight I've finished part 11 of Mystery VI the second to last installment, I also have finished all the beading to date on this piece.
So now I am REALLY ANXIOUSLY waiting for part 12 the end of this year long project.
From month to month I've swung from liking this project to hating it and back to liking it again. What is the final verdict? Its stunning! So what is to come in part 12? Me, I'm guessing some hanging baskets to go in the corners perhaps? I asked Martina, the designer if she could give us a little tease with the colours that will be used in part 12. So the colours that will be used are : Gloriana - topiary, rosewood, cranberry, and red clay. Caron Waterlillies copper, and Silk 'n colors meadowgrass. Only time will tell what part 12 will turn out to be.
I'm Now a 2nd Degree Black Belt!!!
YES!!!! We're all smiles over here! All my hard work has paid off over the last month and a half! Today I passed my test to become a 2nd Degree Black Belt in Taekwon-Do!
Gosh I'm soooo happy! My instructor was just awesome and had ordered me a brand new ebroidered belt with my name and Taekwon-Do in Korean Characters. I just love it!
Here's my instructor and I after the test was over today.
Like I said... all smiles!
Counting Down the Hours...
39 Hours until my 2nd Degree Technical test... I think tomorrow night the nerves will start kicking in.
November Goals
Yup, its the start of another month! Time to review and plan for November!
October Goals :
1. Finish Take Time To Quilt - Summer - DONE
2. Finish Mystery VI - Part 10 - DONE
3. Finish Mini Mystery G - Part 1 a&b - DONE
4. Stitch 2 ornaments - DONE
5. Stitch up a bookmark I designed - DONE
November Goals:
- Finish Part 11 of Mystery VI (and 12 if it comes out early???), more beading too!
- Stitch part 2 of Mini Mystery G
- Stitch 2 christmas ornaments
- Finish Ottawa Sampler
- Finish Lanarte Cow
- Make progerss on Dragon's Tea Party
Disaster Struck!
Okay well not really a disaster but to a stitcher, yes its a disaster! As time has allowed me I've been working on part 11 of Mystery VI, and I've run out of one of the NPI grey silks!!!! Arrrgh with less than a dozen stitches to go.
But never fear, Kathy from European XS has come to the rescue! A package with the silk and the kit for Mini Mystery H is making its way to me as we type. I wonder how that kit got in there?
Bad clickie finger! Bad!
Gotta take advantage of a good exchange rate!