Thursday, November 30, 2006
December Goals and SBQ

Sunday, November 26, 2006
Yes! Its Done!!!

Mini Autumn Sampler
Back to Noah's Sub (can you tell I tend to avoid this project???)
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Another Marathon
This weekend its an Indiana Jones Marathon! Before starting the first movie I started ormentifying an ornament I stitched a couple of months ago (I just haven't had much time for finishing lately!). While the glue dried I started up Raiders of the Lost Ark and pulled out Mini Autumn Sampler, first I snapped a before picture.
I think I made descent progress during the first movie, working on the grapes and another pear.

After Raiders I completed the finishing on Blackwork Noel a freebie from Glory Bee. I'm very happy with how it turned out. Then it was a quick sandwich ... stitching can make a girl hungry you know!
Now onto Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom...

Onto Indian Jones and the Last Crusade... my favourite!
We actually ended up taking a bit of a movie break and watched 2 shows on TV before getting back to the marathon, so this image shows about 4 hours of progress... I'm getting there!

Now to contiune on my my Harrison Ford theme, I've moved onto Star Wars IV : A New Hope.
Last night I couldn't really be bothered to update but here's my progress at the end of Star Wars IV

My next movie was The Empire Strikes Back... about half way through that I finished the over one row... and went to bed. This morning I'm back at it again.

I imagine I'll be able to get started on the cutwork areas today... I think.
Friday, November 24, 2006
Progress Pictures and a Little TWRR

This and That

We were first to arrive so we got to stake out prime stitching spots in the living room! This year was Beth's first year at the retreat and she just loved the B&B, I told her it was beautifully decorated and so relaxing. This year it was a smaller group, about 7 of us. I wasn't surprised when by 4pm I had to go take a nap before dinner... I was pooped! Shortly before midnight Beth had a happy dance! She finished The Silver Lining's Poinsettia over one! Its just stunning!

But I had to get back home to make a cake! My sister had decided we would be celebrating my Nephew's 12 birthday Sunday night. So I had to drive back home 3 hours, bake a cake, clean up, start the laundry and be at my sister's for 6pm. Of course the cake was still warm by the time we got there so it had to sit outside for about an hour and a half before I could decorate it... with the help of my 5 year old niece. As you know little kids like to put on lots of candy all over the place!
Nick had a friend over for his birthday and as a joke his friend got him a lovely tiara with pink fluff! Totally hilarious. The minute I snapped a photo of him Nick said this is going to haunt me for life isn't it? Well what else are aunt's for. From the moment Nick unwrapped it I could see Emma eyeing that tiara. Boy did she want it! As usual little girls get their way!

Monday, November 20, 2006
Canadians... Please Consider This
In the near future we will loose our last World War I Vet (I heard there are only 3 left in Canada) and they would like to ask Prime Minister Harper that the last WWI vet. has a state funeral.
I think this is very good idea and very important.
Here's the link to the petition.http://www.dominion.ca/petition/
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Monday, November 13, 2006
A Little Progress

Sunday, November 12, 2006
The End Of A Round Robin

Well, this is it... the end of the TWRR I've been in this year! I received Sylvia's piece rather late during this final round... it should of been in the mail over a week ago. Oh well, it'll go into tomorrow's mail... wait no it won't its a day off for government employees... but not me! Nope I've got to go to work.
I stitched the bottom band, a section of the border from Teresa Wentzler's Peacock Tapestry. I hope Sylvia is happy with the end results!
Now onto TW's Mini Autumn Sampler!
Sharing a Model and SBQ Catch-Up
I think I can also finally share with you a finish from before the summer. Jennifer Aikman-Smith of Dragon Dreams gave me the choice to stitch any one of her class pieces from this year's Creativ Festival. Of course... I chose the dragon!

Overdyed Dragon
c2006 Dragon Dreams
Creativ Festival 2006 Class
Now to catch up on several SBQ's!
Q : If you were to come across a sampler chart that caught your eye and appealed to you, would you or would you not stitch it if it had a morbid or "creepy" saying on it? If not, why?
A : Knowing my personality this is probably what would make the piece more appealing to me! I like things that are strange and a little off the wall... as long as its tastefully done.
Q : How did you decide on the title of your stitching blog? Was it random,or does it have a special meaning to you or about you?
A : My blog's name isn't random at all! Once after stitching a model for Jennifer Aikman-Smith of Dragon Dreams in record time in some correspondence she called me a Black Belt Stitching Wizard! So I took it and ran with it! Thanks Jen!
Q : How many different brands of "complete" embroidery floss sets do you own? How do you keep track of it? (i.e., spread sheet program, index cards, palm pilot, etc.)
A : I only have one complete set and that's for DMC cotton floss. There really is no point in having a full collection of any of the specialty fibers because what are the chances in actually using each and every one. DMC is commonly used throughout the needlework industry and I can assure you my stash gets a regular workout!!! I've tried to track my DMC floss on a spreadsheet, but I'm the worst at keeping up to date. So I've just given up keeping a system. As for my specialty fibers they organzied first by type of floss (silk/cotton/rayon, etc) then by company then by colour name/number. This why when I'm looking for something I can find it quickly.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Another Ornament Is Born
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Another Little HD

Unfortunately no piccys for you this time. I sat down today and stitched the first of two Christmas ornaments for exchanges I'm in. I know I've got this baggie full of ornaments, but I've shared them with you all and what fun would that be sending off an ornie the world has seen?
So I stitched up a freebie that caught my eye some months ago. I totally changed the colour lay out and I think it looks quite wintery now. Of course I'm head over heels with the beaded edging I did on my Celestial Fob so I did another beaded edge. It looks fantastic. I did take pictures and will share those with you sometime in December. This ornament exchange I'm organizing through my BB Needle and Thread (link in the sideboard)... and still taking sign ups.
This evening I started my second ornament this one is for the TWOE (Teresa Wentzler Ornament Exchange). I'm a little disappointed to hear that this year there are only 15 participants... in the past the exchange used to be huge! I think that just shows what an impact there was on the community when the Just Plain Chat forum was removed a couple of years ago. I know Teresa's reasoning, and I understand it as it started taking the focus away from what she originally intended. Many of the stithcer that used to hang there have settled on various boards across the internet. I miss those days.
I'd like to get these ornaments finished up before the week is out, and finally move onto Sylvia's TWRR. Which has been sitting in my stitching bag since I received it. I just couldn't focus stitching on it until I finished Celestial Fob and Needle Guardian were done. I haven't even decided what I'm going to stitch on her RR.
(Photo : clematis growing in my front garden)
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Beam Me Up Scotty... Its Done!
Needle Guardian
Teresa Wentzler
I've done it! I've finished my Needle Guardian... and I've finished it! I completed the stitching during Star Trek III : The Search for Spock. Took a break from my marathon and did the finishing.

For the finishing on this I kinda improvised. The directions with the needlecase say to sew the felt at the center to the inside of the needlebook, and whola! Well I wanted to hide the back of my work, this being a TW the back isn't usually pretty! So I broke out my new sewing machine and finished it by machine instead of by hand. I sewed a plain white cotton to the back of my stitching and put the felt inside and sewed down the middle. I'm incredibly happy with the results!

The Front
The Back
Space... The Final Frontier
This is my weekend voyage...
To watch as many movies in the Star Trek franchise as I can... stitch as much as I can...
Here's where I am at the start of Star Trek I... Teresa Wentzler's Needle Guardian (below)
Several hours later, and I've finished watching Star Trek I. Also all that bonus material! So here is where my Needle Guardian Stands (below). Onto Star Trek II : The Wrath of Khan.
I've just wrapped up Star Trek II : The Wrath of Khan and all its Bonus material... that was quite a bit of stuff to watch and I've moved right along with my Needle Guardian!
I'm now just starting up Star Trek III : The Search for Spock, there's not much left on my Guardian... just a few more beads. Also... a lot of nun stitch before I can start the actual finishing!
Friday, November 03, 2006
Oooh I Feel Like a Celebrity!
Thursday, November 02, 2006
A Needle Guardian Tease

Like I've mentioned several times now in my past entries I've been working on a class piece by Teresa Wentzler, the Needlecase Guardian. Well I've finally finished the guardian portion of the needlecase tonight... minus a few beads. I'm now getting into the "border" thank goodness, not a complicated one compared to some of the other designs put together by Teresa.
I'm sure you've noticed I've really not blogged as reguarly as I used to this fall. Life is just soooo busy! Work is non-stop with the increased student population this year. I've been working on several things at guild... one of them is pretty darned cool, and I'm so excited about but nothing is firm yet so I just don't want to risk sharing prematurely. On top of all that there's Taekwon-Do.
I am so looking forward to this weekend! I'm going to stay home, watch my Star Trek movie box set and stitch, stitch, stitch! I've not stayed home in ages!