More Black Belt Stitching Wizard Stuff
Look What Came Out To Play
Well for the last few days I've pulled out Tour Des Marques for about an hour a day... getting roughly two colours done per session (I like to stitch as much as possible with one colour before changing colours). Surprisingly its really moving along. Of course this is taking time away from the Sub, but its fulfilling my urge to stitch over one. Yes, I know I'm sick in the head... who has the urge to stitch over one?
I'm afraid after this I won't have any progress pictures to share until the weekend!
This looks lovely!
That is looking amazing! Great progress on it. I don't blame you stitching as much as you can with one color before switching.
Lovely to see this pretty project is back :-)
That is looking great :)
Stitching over 1...I like it :)
Lovely to see this one grow. I have it too in my stash and would love to stitch it right away, but first I have a lot of other things that need to be stitched.
yes, you are crazy to enjoy 1 over 1 stitching, lol! Great stitching Dani :) looks awesome!
Ooooh, haven't seen this one in a while (forgot all about it, actually lol). It looks great - that over 1 stitching looks so delicate. :) Great work!
Nothing wrong with stitching or wanting to stitch over one Dani! We need to enjoy it while we can still see it anyway! I'm sorry your pictures aren't loading today, I'll pop back again soon.
So, I must be even more of a novice than I thought. :P I have no idea what stitching over one means...? But this looks very pretty!
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