Friday, December 31, 2004
Thursday, December 30, 2004
If you're one of my regular blog readers you'll know a couple of weeks ago I laid out for you my 2005 stitching plans. Well they've just been totally changed!
I received some fantastic news yesterday when my best friend Claire from Tennessee had a free day from her family up here to visit with me. She got engaged!!! She's also asked me to be one of her bridesmaids! So of course I have to stitch her a wedding sampler! Not just any wedding sampler, but Teresa Wentzler's Wedding Sampler. So as soon as I finish Ottawa Sampler and part 1a of Mini Mystery H I'll get started on Wedding Sampler (I better start kitting up!).
So for the moment until the sampler is finished all my other stitching plans for 05 will be put to the side.
Yay Claire!!!!
Tuesday, December 28, 2004
Every serious, addicted, obsessive stitcher has a stash. That's a collection of charts, fabrics, fibers, beads, and so on. What good stitcher doesn't? Believe me I have a stash and a half! Some times its a pain to have one. How to store it, organize it, etc.
But today its great to have a stash. I'm making excellent progress on Jeannette Douglas's Ottawa Sampler and I've now reached band 11 of 17 and I've run out of Weeks Dye Works Sky! The horror, I tell you the horror. I've had to do some frogging in that colour so I'm not surprised. What do I do? I've run out... do I have some? Do I have to make a special trip to the LNS tomorrow (which is 30 minutes away). Calm down, take a deep breath. Lets go check our stash.
YES!!! There it is... plenty of Sky! Whew.
My stash saved the day!
Monday, December 27, 2004
Yesterday morning I picked back up Ottawa Sampler by Jeannette Douglas for the first time since I took the class at the retreat I went to in October. I figured I might get a row or two done. Well by the time I put it down very late last night (after stitching for about 16 hours) I was well into row 7! There are 17 rows in this design.
If my Mum doesn't want to go out today, I'll be able to make significant progress again today.
Will I finish this before the New Year???? Who knows!
Sunday, December 26, 2004
Every year I start my stitching year with the promise to keep my webpage upto date with progress pictures and finished projects. As usual I got behind. But this morning I finally finished updating my webpage.
You can visit it HERE
This morning I've started working on Jeannette Douglas's Ottawa Sampler the class I took at the retreat I went to in October.
Saturday, December 25, 2004
Monday, December 20, 2004
You'd think after framing about 6 items for customers over the last two and a half weeks I'd be sick of framing. But nope I had two more to do before I could take a small break (I got two more before breaking for Christmas). Today I framed Take Time To Quilt - Summer by Jeannette Douglas for my Mum. I also framed a Teresa Wentzler freebie for my friend Misty. I hope she's pleased with what I've done!
Here's Take Time to Quilt.

Holy Cow! Its cold out this morning! When Todd got up he told me that it was -42c with the windchill! I can tell its cold out without even looking at the thermometer, the house is pretty cool and the heat ran for a long time this morning. The heat will probably be kicking in again soon.
Yesterday I was hoping to get a start on turning a round robin I had done a couple of years ago (Vermillion's International Bears) into a quilt for my niece for Christmas. My Mum had the perfect fabric but as we ironed it large yellow-ish blotches appeared in the fabric. We washed it and tried again. Still, yellow blotches. So we hopped in the car (it was only -20c yesterday...) and drove into town to see if the quilt shop was open. It wasn't. So we abandoned any quilt making for the day. Since the car was still warm I dropped my Mum back off and went home.
So I got a good stretch of stitching in on Dragon's Tea Party! Here's a progress pic.
Dragon's Tea Party c2003 Dragon Dreams

Today I'm going to sort my craft room a little since I'm not insane and am not going out to find fabric today!!! Also I'll put in some more hours on Dragon's Tea Party.
Sunday, December 19, 2004
Its about this time of year that most stitchers start looking towards the New Year and planning their stitching year.
Once again this upcoming year I want to finish some of the projects that I have started over the last couple of years and kinda abandoned. No, I don't like the term UFO (un-finished object), so they're not called that in my home! So the projects I'd like to put on the "chopping block" in '05 are :
Noah's Submarine - Stoney Creek
- I started this one a couple of years ago... more than 2 1/2 years ago. I never really got beyond page 1... I did finish it though.
Ottawa Sampler - Jeannette Douglas
- This is the class I took at this fall's Cross Stitch Cupboard Retreat. I of course have a small start on this because we were being taught some of the trickier specialty stitches. Once I get going this shouldn't take me long
Celtic Banner - Butternut Road
- This was my New Year's start for 2004 and I never touched it again all year long.
Now for the projects I'd like to start in 2005... starting a new project is always much more exciting than working on an old project.
- Bug Collector - Jeannette Douglas
- Arabian Woman - Lanarte
- Celtic Band Sampler - Homespun Elegance
- Scottish Castle Sampler - Cat's Cradle
- Mini Mandalas 1 - Chatelaine
- Dragon By The Fireside Stocking - Black Swan
Will I actually get to stitch these in '05? I have no clue. This list can also change at any time. There are just the project that have been screaming at me for some time. But some may turn to a weak whisper as a new design comes along with a louder voice.
Have you planned your stitching for '05?
Saturday, December 18, 2004
Friday, December 17, 2004
YAY! Yesterday part 3 of Mini Mystery G (Sapphire) was released. But I had such a long day and my eyes were burning by the time I got home that I couldn't sit to stitch! Heck I just went to bed!
So tonight I got to sit down and work on part 3, boy it was a quick stitch! So Mini Mystery G by Martina Webber of Chatelaine c2004 is done.

Now I get to wait for Mini Mystery H to start on January 1st... Amethyst!
Wednesday, December 15, 2004
Regular blog readers. I must apologize ... someone broke into my account and posted pictures of some Asian woman with really bad spelling. Luckily the photos weren't offending and the posts have been removed. If you're a regular blogger you may want to consider changing your password!
Monday, December 13, 2004
Sunday, December 12, 2004
Today was a day for getting things done that were stitching related. My first finish for the day was a stitching Happy Dance. For the first time ever I'm behind on a round robin, the mailing date was Monday of this past week... its now Sunday. But its stitched and will go in the mail on Thursday.
Here's Terrance Nolan's Ash Gray Ladybug c1999 this is for Sherrin's Wee Beasties RR

After completing my stitching for the day I retreated to my craft room to finish the last of my Christmas Ornaments. I've finished 27 in total this year. I'm not going to post pictures of each and every one of them here however if you follow this link. It'll take you to see them by clicking on each file name individually. A fair amount of these are on my website with full details. The rest will make it onto my website during the Christmas holidays (5 working days to go!) with all the appropriate details and credit.
My next stitching focus is to finish off the poor wee Lanarte Cow I started some months ago but never found the time to get back to. He should be done in a couple of days.
Tuesday, December 07, 2004
Okay I just don't get it, I don't understand the postal system. But then perhaps we're not meant to?
Today I sent two parcels in the mail they were small the same size roughly the same weight. One going to Alberta one going to North Eastern US. Please tell my WHY oh WHY does it cost me 5.05 to send the parcel to the US and 8.00 to send the one within Canada?
I just don't get it.
Monday, December 06, 2004
This month's ornament which I also stitched on in November I think is the ornament that would never end. Though its pretty, though it was on my wish list I found it sooo boring. At times after a short interval of stitching on this I'd want to go and take a nap! But its done, and it is the only Christmas Ornament I'm planning on stitching in December.
Click HERE to have a look at my ornament. I can't give you any details because its for the Ornament RR Group 7 and I wouldn't want to give away the surprise!
Now I'm going to kit up the Ash Grey Ladybug from Terrnace Nolan for my late Wee Beasties RR.
Sunday, December 05, 2004
At least that what it feels like I've been doing this week! I've been doing far more finishing than time stitching. During the week I've been working on finishing my ornaments, over half of them are done now. I just have a couple I want to sew instead of glue. I've also been doing quite a bit of framing. I've got all the mats cuts and almost all the frames made for all of my jobs but one. Tomorrow I'm going to pick up glass for them all and then everything should be finished tomorrow night and ready for delivery on Tuesday! Yay, cause I want them all out of here! I'd also like to get some stuff framed for myself!
So I'm still working on that poor Round Robin Ornament. I'm down to the last colour now and should finish it in a day or two. Then I've got to get going on my current Wee Beasties RR. I thought the mail out date on that was later in December, well it turns out its on Monday. Needless to say it won't be going out on time.
Well the snow is here... I'm ready for summer now!
Wednesday, December 01, 2004
Yup a start of another month, time to fess up on what I got done what I didn't get done, and what I'd like to get done!
November Recap :
- Finish MVI part 11 - Yup... even finished part 12 that's the entire mystery done!
- Finish Mini Mystery G part2 - Yup
- Stitch 2 ornaments - Only got one done
- Make progress on Dragon's Tea Party - Not too bad
- Finish Ottawa Sampler - Didn't see the light of day
- Finish Lanarte Cow - Didn't see the light of day, why refer to goal 3
So I'm very disappointed in November I didn't stitch as much as I would have liked too and I just wasn't focused at all in my stitching.
December Goals
- Finish Mini Mystery G
- Stitch 1 ornament
- Finish Dragon's Tea Party
- Finish Lanarte Cow
- Work on Ottawa Sampler
This month's goals I hope are more attainable, also I'll be off work for two weeks over the holidays so there should... and I say should be plety of stitching time!!!