Teresa Wentzler's Wedding Sampler, Week 3 Progress
Well if there was such a thing as cross stitch neglect, I would of been arrested for it this past week. I only managed to stitch on it yesterday.
I've chased my approach to stitching the border. I was going to stitch it one colour at a time all the way around but I'm finding the confetti a wee bit of a challenge. So now I'm going to completely stitch each section of foliage between each ribbon section. I already can see my progress when I started doing this last night. I also completely finished the corner motifs.
This picture is a little dark but only because I photographed it on a black surface.
Man, I had a killer migraine today, I feel like its knocked the stuffing right out of me! But my meds seemed to have taken care of the pain so I should be able to get a nice stretch of stitching in this evening.