More Black Belt Stitching Wizard Stuff
Stitching Bloggers Question Of The Week
Hi everyone! Sorry I'm so late with this, its been a hectic and tiring week... I've now been back to work a full week and Taekwon-Do started up again on Monday. Between working all day and training pretty much every day this week I am absolutely exhausted! Okay... here goes this week's question!
Would you or have you designed your own cross stitch design? If you have can we see it?
Yes I have designed a couple of ornaments, nothing too spectacular. Here's one that I have the chart available as a .PDF
Called Diamond Tree
Read Directions... Never!
I guess I don't believe in reading directions... because I keep messing up Take Time to Quilt!!! Yesterday I working on one of the boxes and I followed the stitch diagram for the first three rows of the stitch. I figured filling in the rest of the box just followed that design.... Nope not until I has almost done did I look at the actual chart. Oh well I finished it the way I had done it. Then I was working on another box that contained a flower using a Van Dyke stitch.... picked up the wrong colours with this one... I've left it anyhow.
I think I'm doomed with this project!
Pass Me The Blender.... Please!
This week I went back to work, and boy do you ever get tired easily after being off for a long period of time. I can assure you being tired and stitching don't quite mix!
Last night I was stitching away on Jeannette Douglas's Take Time to Quilt - Summer when I noticed the placement of the boxes inside the design didn't appear right... yup I had to frog. I got that all ripped out and started to put in the big middle box... wait its not right again! Frog again... I think I have it right now, I just have one more line of x's to put in and it should be time for me to start the specialty stitches. Hopefully now the frogs will stay away!
Stitching Blogger's Question of The Week
If you could design your dream needlework/cross stitch shop, what would it be like?
Hmmm that's a tough one! Now the question really is first do you want to own a store? Owning a store is A LOT of responsibility! But then you know what you're the boss and if its quiet and you want to just sit and stitch you could.
I think I would combine a business with my good friend Vicki, she owns a bead shop and I know she'd love to be able to include needlework as part of it! So we'd open up a 1/2 beading 1/2 needlework shop with a framing corner! A one stop sopping extravaganza!
I would have it well stocked with specialty fibers. There's nothing that irritates me more than going to the LNS to find out that once again they're out of stock of the colour you're looking for! Of course it would have all kinds of cool charts... a huge fantasy, celtic section I think! Of course you also have to stock what sells not only what you like.
But I would be in my element and would love my job if this dream could come true! So if you're a multi-millionaire and want to send some money my way to make my dream come true... feel free to e-mail me LOL!
Guild, Back-to-Work, and a Happy Dance
There has to be one thing I love about this time of year and that is returning to Guild after a summer hiatus! Its so much fun going in and seeing all the faces, catching up with everyone... Making sure they had a good summer. Of course there's all those Happy Dances to share right???? So that was last night, our first Guild meeting of the season.
Today I went back to work, for the first time in seven weeks. I've not been off of work for more than a week or two since 1997! I wasn't supposed to return until next Friday however the woman covering my position was no longer able to fill my job so I agreed to return a week and a bit early. Boy am I tired! But its was so nice today, staff would go out of their way to welcome me back. Kids were happy to see me back. One kid also gave a relieved "Finally!... You're back!" That just made my day! Its nice to know that YES you are appreciated and yes your contribution to your work community does make a difference. I left today with a good feeling.
Annnnd just now at my computer I finished up the last of my September Goals! I put in the last bit of backstitching on the Wee Beasties Round Robin I'm in. This time around I stitched The Larch Ladybug by Terrance Nolan.
Round Robins
Right now I'm in one active round robin and one about to start. The active round robin is a Wee Beasties (Dimples Designs) round robin. Today I'm pulling the threads to stitch Charlie's piece, he's getting the Larch Ladybug.
The other round robins that is getting ready to start is an ornament round robin and it is quite a unique idea. These days it seems more and more ornaments that are designed are using specialty fibers, embellishments and charms. Which for the small amount you need to actually stitch the oranment makes some quite expensive! So the idea was brought up why not get a group of 6 together we each pick an ornament and kit it up for yourself and five others? Spreading out the costs of kitting up these specialty materials? I actually like this idea because you have no idea what ornaments you will be receiving to stitch and it could be something you've never seen before or something you never considered. So over the last couple of days I've been stitching my ornament up, is a little big for an ornament 4 1/2 inches square but its nice, it makes use of some specialty threads and there's an embellishment as well (which I'm waiting for 6 of them from Australia). Once I've got the embellishment I'll scan the ornament and post a link here. This way those who are in my Ornament RR won't see it unless they choose to click on the link. Its very pretty and I really like it! I do also have to pick up more floss, I don't have enough for everyone yet!
Finished My First Mystery
The final portion of Chatelaine's Mini Mystery F (Ruby) was released today, it didn't take long to stitch at all! I'm looking forward to Mini Mystery G (Sapphire) starting on October 1st.
Of course you're dying to see it right?
And Another Happy Dance!
Yay I just finished another "obligation piece" but this one wasn't a chore at all! Its actually a gift but I won't say for who or why because you never know whose reading my blog right?
This is Celtic Heart by M Designs from the August 2004 issue of Just Cross Stitch. Its stitched on 28ct Queen Ann's Lace Joblean by Wichelt using Gumnut Stars 237. I needed 2 8m skiens to complete this piece. I plan on framing it myself.
Stitching Blogger's Question of The Week
Do you stitch small projects one at a time that you can finish quickly, have numerous large projects going at once that you rotate,or both? How does your current system work for you and have you thought about changing it?
Hmmm my system... Well I used to be a very faithful one at a time stitcher... to the point that the ladies on the TWBB started calling it Le Technique de la TKDchick (my user ID). However once I became a model stitcher that changed. Once I started stitching models I'd have at least two projects on the go, my model and my own project. However I usually only focus on the one that's most critical to be finished (usually the model) I don't like to hop between project. I also don't like to rotate or have too many projects on the go, because I get stressed out.
In the last year I've always seemed to have a model on the go (yay I'm currently model free!), something I was working on for myself, and an ornament. I always have a small project or an ornament on the go, this is something I carry around in my bag, I work on it at lunch, when I'm waiting somewhere or when I wait for a webpage to load up on my computer. So you can say I always have at least one large and one small project on the go.
Right now its nice. I know I've got Celtic Heart by M Designs I need to get stitched and framed. My two monthly ornaments are completed, Celtic Heart will get put aside for a day or two when the third and final part of Mini Mystery F gets released on the 15th. Once Celtic Heart is done I might spend a day of beading on Mystery VI (I'm slowly beading up to the current installment so I don't have to do it all at the end). I also have a Wee Beasties Round Robin I need to get stitched in the next 4 weeks. But one thing at a time and it can all be managed.
What Kind of Stitcher Does This???
Today I went over to my friend Chrisanne's to stitch for the day. I took plenty of different things to work on if I didn't feel like working on my focus project. But for some reason I didn't bring a single needle or pair of scissors.
What kind of stitcher forgets her most important tools?
Luckily Chrisanne had extra.
Second September Ornament
Just a quick blog before I got to bed, I wanted to share with you another HD of mine, this time my second September Ornament.
Every year Jennifer of Dragon Dreams released a free Christmyth ornament on her webpage. This year's freebie is a Pegasus c2004.
Here's my Christmyth Peggie stitched on 28ct Antique Annabelle from Sugar Maple Fabrics
Stitching Blogger's Question of The Week
How do you explain cross stitch to non-cross stitching people? Do they get it or do they say “Oh, right.. you do knitting then (or sewing, or needlepoint)"?
I've pretty much given up trying to explain these days. I think if you're not a crafter you just don't understand. I go as far as correcting someone in calling it Needlework if they call it something like sewing or needlepoint. I'm a cross stitcher through and through but most of the curious masses are content at "Needlework". Some of the more curious are amazed that the image isn't already on the fabric that I can stitch without any reference on the fabric. If I'm in the mood I may go into detail about finding the centre of the design and fabric and just starting there. But these days I just don't bother... They're interrupting in my stitching time anyhow!
Well I am celebrating in my household tonight, despite the rain we're getting from the reminants of hurricane Francis, and some minor flooding in my basement this afternoon (no damage, just 30 minutes of panic)
My model, Bandon Lighthouse by c1998 Marc Saastad of The Silver Lining is FINISHED! This model has been on the go, very slowly since October of 2003.
May I share with you, stitched over one on 28ct Lavender Sunset Joblean : Bandon Lighthouse
Stitching Bloggers Question Of The Week
How do you explain cross stitch to non-cross stitching people? Do they get it or do they say “Oh, right.. you do knitting then (or sewing, or needlepoint)"?
I do get asked frequently what I'm doing and yes often people call it sewing, knitting, needlepoint. I am a cross stitcher... my passion is cross stitching. Over the years I have given up trying to explain it I just say yeah I'm doing NEEDLEWORK. I suppose that's close enough. If they continue to ask me questions I'll continue to answer but most people are happy to leave it at needlework. Some people are amazed that the pattern is not already on the fabric.... I do counted cross stitch but I never bother to explain that either. Usually once I tell them what its going to be I get left alone after that.
First September Christmas Ornament
Before getting back to Bandon Light I decided to finish up an ornament I had started ... a little stitching for myself. This month I've stitched up a freebie from the Caron Website by Ute Senkel-Weinberg c2004
This heart is stitched on 32ct Platinum Lugana, using Caron Waterlillies - Holiday.
The Model Is All Stitched Up!
Yup, remember that Dragon Dreams model I talked about earlier this week? Well its all done! I love it when a project goes so smoothly. Its also a great experience when you can talk to the designer when you feel something isn't working or perhaps its frustrating and you're opinion is valued! Based on some troubles I had Jennifer was great and agreed to a fiber substitution.
I was working with a new (to me) fiber and it just wasn't quite working with the fabric and I found it quite frustrating to stitch with... even just to thread the needle.
Thanks Jen for listening and letting me stitch for you! You're the best!
So now after this pleasant break from my over one lighthouse I'm back to it!
A New Model
There's nothing like receiving a new model in the mail! I think sometimes I'm worse than a kid at Christmas! I have to restrain myself from opening the package in the car, even when my house is just down the street. I get quite excited when I get a new "top secret" model, something that's been seen by so few... Whoever the designer wishes to share her/his creation with. To look at the fabric, and the fibers/colours and imagine what its really going to look like all stitched up. Since no one has stitched it before, there's no picture!
Today I got a much anticipated model from one of my favorite designers, Jennifer of Dragon Dreams. Not only does she have unique ideas (and this one is pretty cool!) she a wonderful person as well, an excellent combination! If you're attending the Creative Sewing and Needlework Festival in Toronto this October, Jennifer's stitching over two class will be a lot of fun! Sorry to be such a horrible tease but I'm sworn to secrecy! I'd hate to have the Dragon mad at me, because she is the nicest Dragon you'd ever meet. Hopefully at some point down the road she'll let me share my happy dance with you!
Teee heee... its also fun being in on the secret!
September Goals
First I'll start with my August Review...
1. Finish Myster 6 pt 8 - Done, even got part 9 finished too!
2. Finish Mini Mystery F part 2 - Done
3. Stitch 2 x-mas ornaments - Done
4. Finish Bandon Lighthouse - Nope but pages 5&7 are done
5. Finish Mini Cottages 3 - Done
6. Start Celtic Heart - Yup!
September Goals
1. Finsih Bandon Light
2. Finish Mini Mystery F part 3
3. Finish Celtic Heart
4. Stitch 2 x-mas ornaments
5. Stitch a bug on Charlie's Wee Beasties RR