Yes, I'm sorry my retreat report (nothing really too exciting or earth shattering to report really. Gosh now I don't really recall what I wanted to talk about exactly.

Le Meyow
Friday morning Christin and I packed up our clothes and stitching stuff and headed off to Kingston. Of course, while packing after turning my back I discovered somebody didn't want me to leave. Hunter knows when I'm packing that black bag, I'm going away for a bit. Friday I dropped Christin off at her parents in Kingston and I spent the night at our friend's Beth's. Its become our tradition over the years, Christin has a visit with her family and I get to visit with Beth, stitch, and eat her fantastic cooking!
Saturday morning Beth and I packed my poor little car with all our stuff. Its amazing how much stuff three ladies will take for an overnight stitching trip. Its also amazing how much CRAP you can fit into the hatchback of a Hyundai Accent! I really should of taken a picture of it! Next year... We met up with Christin and off we were back in the car and on our way to Brighton!
Les Banners
We arrived at Ann's (owner of Knowledge and Needles) before noon, and we weren't the first ones there! Already there were Carmen, and Colleen (my Celtic Banner SAL mates), Carmen's Mom, and Marj! What was the first thing we all did? Well of course Christin, Colleen and I all pulled out our finished Celtic Banner's Carmen was almost done hers! So out came the cameras too! It was an impressive sight! We also managed to enable two stitchers to buy charts, fabrics and order the specialty fibers. Ahh there's nothing like enabling!

Adriana, Our Oldest Stitcher At Retreat
Soon after we arrived everyone else started to show up as the day starts off with a pot-luck lunch. As usual we were going to starve... LOL we brought more food than necessary! Everything was different and delicious! The total number of visitors to this year's retreat (the 7th) was 25. The retreat started out seven years ago as an overnight get-togethers of members of the Teresa Wentzler BB but that group has kinda dwindled over the last couple of years but has been growing with local stitchers... who I love to influence and encourage them to stitch over two! Now out of the group I was the younges stitcher there, but I was so impressed by our oldest stitcher! Adriana who has come the last couple of years with her daughter Beatrice. I was quite shocked to find out that Adriana had just turned 90!!!! Not only was she 90 and looked nowhere near that age, she still stitches... get this... on evenweave! If there's anyone I want to be like when I'm 90 (if I make it that long).

Ann (standing) & Beatrice Playing Handywoman
What's a retreat without a minor hiccup? We were sitting in Ann's new sunroom that she and Dan managed to finish just in time for the retreat (what a wonderful stitching room, I'm jealous!) when we started hearing water. All of us in the sunroom just assumed it was the hot tub. After hearing it for quite awhile Beatrice when out to see what it was. The hose which was providing water to the matron where Christin, Beth and I were going to spend the night had burst! Ann and Beatrice did an amazing job fixing it! (notice the duct tape? )
Since there were so many stitchers the poor puppies got shut into the garage!

Une Surprise For La Hostess With Le Most-ess
Just before dinner I presented to Ann on behalf of the group a little pressie from all of us. Actually, for the second time this summer I had instigated a Top Secret Evil Plan! About a month before the retreat I sent out e-mails to as many of the stitchers attending letting them know that Ann didn't have any hand dyed fabrics! A sad situation that had to be rectified and quickly! Ann was overwhelmed by the gesture and the selection of fabrics we had pulled together! I love instigating Evil Plans!
Now for assorted pictures from Saturday :
Kathy - Whose a Riot! I sat next to her all day!
Beth - My other hostess who can cook like there's no tomorrow! Mmmmm... And I just love her company!
Adriana (left) and her daughter Beatrice
There were 8 of us who spent the night, the next morning we were totally entertained by Ann's husband Dan who stayed away all day on Saturday. He made all of us bacon and eggs for breakfast! What service! Also Dan is an excellent cook!
We left early that afternoon. I spend all year looking forward to this weekend, so its always sad when it ends.