If I had confetti cannons they'd be going off right now!
I made it through NaBloPoMo!!! I have posted every day for a month and not just on one blog, but TWO blogs! Sooo if you don't hear from me for a couple of days, don't be surprised this girl probably needs a blog-break. On the other hand, I've gotten into this daily habit! I may surprise you and show up here tomorrow!
Still no real stitching to show, but I do have two other things to show you. At work we have a "peer given" award called the "U Rock" award. I was very surprised to be one of the recipients of the award! When you work in a school as support staff where the majority of the employees are teachers sometimes us support staff get a little forgotten in the grand scheme of things.
Also we had a spectacular sunrise this morning! The colours were gloriously pink, unfortunately my camera just didn't capture the true colours.
I've had a number of commenters asking me where I got my flat fold instructions from. Sadly, they're not online I bought one of Judy O'Dell's finishing books with spectacular instructions and photos! I highly recommend them.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
Retro Photo Hunt
Another busy day so no stitching to report... so here's a PhotoHunt from November 7, 2009. The theme was veterans/military
St. Augustine, Florida -- This little group reenacts shooting muskets and a cannon several times a day
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Finishing Day
Today I had a finishing day! I didn't really get to my ornaments like I probably should of but I was productive!
My friend Rebecca's Mom, Sylvia asked me to help her finish two fall pieces into flat folds. We've not been able to cross paths for me to show her how to do it. So I did the finishing for her. Also because I'm picky about how things look they can be a bit of work! I know many people glue-stretch their pieces and glue the pieces together. I prefer the neater more seamless look using Judy O'Dell's instructions which involve actually stretching and stitching the pieces together.
The looked a little lost without anything on them so I dug through my stash to find the right floss colour, and I made cord to go around both the boy and the girl.
I also did the finishing on TW's Byzantine Ornament #1 I'm VERY pleased with how this turned out.
I made another floss tag as well! I've got to hit Staples tomorrow and get some more rings!
It was a busy finishing day!
My friend Rebecca's Mom, Sylvia asked me to help her finish two fall pieces into flat folds. We've not been able to cross paths for me to show her how to do it. So I did the finishing for her. Also because I'm picky about how things look they can be a bit of work! I know many people glue-stretch their pieces and glue the pieces together. I prefer the neater more seamless look using Judy O'Dell's instructions which involve actually stretching and stitching the pieces together.
I also did the finishing on TW's Byzantine Ornament #1 I'm VERY pleased with how this turned out.
I made another floss tag as well! I've got to hit Staples tomorrow and get some more rings!
I also made a scissor fob
And two ort boxes
It was a busy finishing day!
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Byzantine Ornament #1
Late last night I finished up my first ornament in the new series I've started. Teresa Wentzler designs always take much longer to finish than you think. Also as usual, a lot of BEADS! I might not have enough beads to do them all, might have to hit up Christin... she always seems to have what I've run out of! LOL.
This week's PhotoHunt theme is "written"
Byzantine Ornament #1
c1995 Just Cross Stitch
Theresa Wentzler Christmas Ornaments
Stitched on 32ct Antique White Lugana
Stitched with DMC, Mill Hill Beads & Kreinik Cord
I'm finally feeling better today, my migraine hung on for three freakin' days!This week's PhotoHunt theme is "written"
The written word has a lot of power when put together in the right order. Really would you get off the boat? I didn't!
happy dances,
Photo Hunters,
Teresa Wentzler
Friday, November 26, 2010
A Stitchy Meme!
I saw Riona answering these on her blog, and I thought what a great blog entry for today! They originally come from Andie's blog.
1. What are you stitching at the moment?
5. What is the best thing you have ever stitched?
6. Do you like making lists?
8. What is the next thing you plan to stitch?
9. What is your fave ONS? And why?
10. Do you have a stitching chair?
11. Do your children/pets get into your stitching things?
12. Do you participate in any stitching forums?
1. What are you stitching at the moment?
Teresa Wentzler's Byzantine Ornaments, currently working on ornament #12. How many finishes have you had this year? Small? Medium? Large? Extra Large?
I have 28 finishes so far this year. I've got at least 2 big finishes, a few medium and a lot of smalls!3. Do you think you will finish any more in the next month and a half before the end of the year?
Yes, I hope to finish all the Byzantine ornaments and in an ideal world I'd love to finish Art Deco Spirits, that will depend on how busy my Christmas Break gets.4. If you could buy 1 thing for yourself what would it be? (Doesn't have to be stitching)
Hmmm I don't know, the latest thing on my "to get" list was a new point and shoot digital camera... which I treated myself to on Wednesday night. I wold love some higher end lenses for my D-SLR with image stabilization.
5. What is the best thing you have ever stitched?
Teresa Wentzler's Peacock Tapestry... I stitched it in under a year!
6. Do you like making lists?
I luuuuuv lists!!!7. Do you stitch in rotation (how does it work?) or OAAT?
I'm a One At A Time girl, I do also always have an ornament on the go, but I don't count that as a rotation as the ornament is a travel project.
8. What is the next thing you plan to stitch?
Enchantment of Winter by Terrance Nolan
9. What is your fave ONS? And why?
I like to try to use Knowledge and Needles, and if Ann doesn't have an item in stock and can't get it I tend to go with Stitching Bits and Bobs if I'm not in a rush. I know Ann personally and she always does her best to get you what you're looking for. Stitching Bits and Bobs has great sales, slow service.
10. Do you have a stitching chair?
Yup, its a rocking/gliding/recliner! I love it!
11. Do your children/pets get into your stitching things?
No kids, and really my cats are very good. But I also tend not to leave things out either... you just never know!
12. Do you participate in any stitching forums?
I used to but not anymore, there just aren't enough hours in the day!
Thursday, November 25, 2010
New Ornament Series
I am counting down the days to the end of NaBloPoMo... are you? I'm almost there, I've almost made it to the end! Five more days of daily posting on TWO blogs! Its nice to be blogging regularly again, but daily is definitely a challenge.
Have I bored you yet?
I've been stitching a little here and there the last few days, not as much as I'd like. I've either been busy... or I've been plagued by migraines again. My migraine that started as a headache yesterday is still hanging in tonight. I had a rough day today.
So I'm revealing my latest ornament series, this one isn't done yet, there's a few more specialty stitches to add , backstitch and of course some beads!

Have I bored you yet?
I've been stitching a little here and there the last few days, not as much as I'd like. I've either been busy... or I've been plagued by migraines again. My migraine that started as a headache yesterday is still hanging in tonight. I had a rough day today.
So I'm revealing my latest ornament series, this one isn't done yet, there's a few more specialty stitches to add , backstitch and of course some beads!

Teresa Wentzler's Byzantine Ornament #1
I am glad tomorrow is Friday!!!
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
I Don't Think I Like It

It was time for a change, it was time for a haircut. I didn't go to my usual girl because I'm tired of it taking 5-10 weeks to get in to see her because I can only get to her salon on a Saturday. So I went to a new place and let the hairdresser have his way with my hair.
I'm not used to seeing it so flat, I think it makes my nose look HUGE! Also I had a migraine today and because of that I took a pretty crappy picture today. Maybe this haircut will grow on me.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Retro Photo Hunt
No stitching again tonight, actually I've not had a lot of time to pick up my stitching. I am hoping for some ME time tomorrow. I'm getting my hair cut after work, and then I think its time to come home and relax. Work on that new series of ornaments.
So here's the PhotoHunt from October 31, 2009 the theme is "bags"
So here's the PhotoHunt from October 31, 2009 the theme is "bags"
I actually had a lot of trouble finding a photo that would suit the theme of "bags" the only thing I kept coming up with was Hunter sleeping in bags and on bags. There's nothing Hunter loves more than a smelly Taekwon-Do or gym bag!!!
Monday, November 22, 2010
Retro Photo Hunt
I've started a new ornament series... but you'll just have to wait and see. I didn't have the time to photograph and share my new start tonight. I will reveal before the week is out, that's for sure. I'm quite enjoying this new series!
So instead of stitching, I've got a PhotoHunt! The theme on October 24, 2009 was "tied"
So instead of stitching, I've got a PhotoHunt! The theme on October 24, 2009 was "tied"
Todd took this picture, because obviously I couldn't! My new 3rd degree black belt was being tied on by my instructor!
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Tonight, I'm Sad
After having a lovely day this afternoon with some friends I came home to some sad news. My best friend Claire has lost here baby again! She lost her first baby back in the summer of 2008 due to a condition called non-immune hydrops. She has lost her second baby, again to the same condition (in the fetus) she was about 5 months along.
My heart just breaks for Claire and Patrick and I wish I could hop on a plane tomorrow to be with her. They want to be parents so badly and I know they would be AMAZING parents. Why is it that people who really shouldn't have kids can get pregnant and have healthy babies without trying and folk who would be amazing parents either have trouble getting pregnant or keeping the baby?
Saturday, November 20, 2010
An Ornament Bonanza!
This evening I finished off the last of my JBW stockings! Here's the final addition to the group :
I've been stitching them all on the same piece fabric
Here are MUCH better pictures of all the other stockings... I pulled out the good camera and put on my big flash too!
Today I did a little bit of finishing, I'm helping a friend of mine trim her tree tomorrow and I thought I'd bring an ornament for her tree. I finished up this beauty with a couple of extra special touches.
While I was at it I pulled out this little Prarie Schooler Freebie and finished it into a floss ring
It looks great with this pincushion which I finished months ago, what a great matched pair!
Today I also went through all my stitched ornaments and paired them up with matching backing fabrics from my stash. I'd like to get started on ornamentification so I'm not scrambling before I break for the Christmas holidays!
Also there's today's PhotoHunt, and the theme is Juicy
Reindeer Stocking
c2010 JBW
Stitched on: Victorian Red Lugana 28ct
Stitched with: DMC 5200
Here are MUCH better pictures of all the other stockings... I pulled out the good camera and put on my big flash too!
Chalet Stocking
Leaves & Vines Stocking
Christmas Trees Stocking
Hearts Stocking
Scandinavian Stocking
R&P Peace
I had these pretty push pins that I've had for years. I finally found the perfect use for one of them!
I made the cord too! I love having matching cord that's just the right thickness.
Today I also went through all my stitched ornaments and paired them up with matching backing fabrics from my stash. I'd like to get started on ornamentification so I'm not scrambling before I break for the Christmas holidays!
Also there's today's PhotoHunt, and the theme is Juicy
This photo was taken in March of 2010 on my Dominican Experience Trip. On our first day we walked around the town of San Pedro de Macoris. There were a number of stands around the city center where you could get fresh, juicy local fruit. Imagine pineapples being local? Mmmmmm!
happy dances,
Photo Hunters,
Prarie Schooler,
R and P
Friday, November 19, 2010
Retro Photo Hunt
I'm looking forward to a much quieter weekend, with some sleeping and stitching!
Here's a PhotoHunt from October 17, 2009 this was a free week, letting us choose any photo we wanted.
Here's a PhotoHunt from October 17, 2009 this was a free week, letting us choose any photo we wanted.
I just love this shot of Judie having a laugh with Ann the past Saturday at the retreat!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Stocking #5
Tonight I took another "night off" and had a nice long nap (I'm a gold medal napper I tell you!), a good dinner and settled into stitch and keep catching up on my shows on the PVR.
I finished off the next stocking in the series I'm doing... just one to go!
Once again, I'm not happy with how these are photographing, not very nicely at all the whites are blowing out and the red isn't the nice true deep red that it is.
I finished off the next stocking in the series I'm doing... just one to go!
Chalet and Snowflakes Stocking - French Country Stockings II
c2010 JBW
Stitched on : Victorian Red Lugana
Stitched with : DMC B5200
Once again, I'm not happy with how these are photographing, not very nicely at all the whites are blowing out and the red isn't the nice true deep red that it is.
happy dances,
JBW Designs,
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
JBW Stocking Happy Dances
Over the weekend I managed to finish a few of my JBW stocking ornaments! I am totally loving these! Sadly these aren't beautifully photographed, I think I need to do them in natural light. When they're all done I'll photograph them properly for you.
I'm actually home tonight so I'm looking forward to getting caught up on over 10 days worth of TV on my PVR and getting going on the last two stocking ornaments!
Christmas Trees Stocking - French Country Stockings I
c2010 JBW
Stitched on : Victorian Red Lugana
Stitched with : DMC B5200
Hearts Stocking - French Country Stockings I
c2010 JBW
Stitched on : Victorian Red Lugana
Stitched with : DMC B5200
Scandinavian Stocking - French Country Stockings II
c2010 JBW
Stitched on : Victorian Red Lugana
Stitched with : DMC B5200
I'm actually home tonight so I'm looking forward to getting caught up on over 10 days worth of TV on my PVR and getting going on the last two stocking ornaments!
happy dances,
JBW Designs,
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
November 2010 Knowledge & Needles Timberhouse Retreat
Sorry this post didn't get done sooner but like I've said over and over, its been busy! However, its finally here!
This past weekend, was one of my favourite weekends of the year, for quite a few years now Ann of Knowledge and Needles has been hosting a fall retreat. I've been very lucky to attend for quite a few years in a row now and I love it every year! As we have the last few years 17 of us met up at the Timberhouse in Brighton a wonderful B&B near the shores of Lake Ontario.
There was a lot of stitching, visiting, talking, and of course eating (which as a Weight Watchers member is such a challenge!)!
Saturday we were treated to lunch by Chef Butthead#1 and Butthead#2 (Dan & Bruce)
Of course this was followed by stash shopping!
Saturday night we had our second annual ornament exchange! It was such a hit last year we all agreed to do it again. Once again everyone was so pleased with the ornaments they received and we'll do it again next year!
Unfortunately Sunday came wayyy too soon and we all headed our separate ways!
I am looking forward to Ann's next retreat, a new one she added for January!
This past weekend, was one of my favourite weekends of the year, for quite a few years now Ann of Knowledge and Needles has been hosting a fall retreat. I've been very lucky to attend for quite a few years in a row now and I love it every year! As we have the last few years 17 of us met up at the Timberhouse in Brighton a wonderful B&B near the shores of Lake Ontario.
There was a lot of stitching, visiting, talking, and of course eating (which as a Weight Watchers member is such a challenge!)!
Beatrice & Claire showing off their 55ct madness that they started back in August at our last get together
The display table
Rebbecca & her Mom Sylvia
Ann & Judie having a great conversation
Bonnie playing with her iPhone (again)
Our Chefs Bruce & Dan
Dan showing off his new gift from Bernie (yes its stitched!)
This year's lunch : chicken parmigiana with rice, broccoli and butternut squash
Dessert... I ate the whole thing!
Seated for lunch
Of course this was followed by stash shopping!
Sheila picking out floss
Claire & Barb checking out charts
My stash purchases for this year!
More stash!
Front & back of the ornament I received from Claire
Ann showing off the ornament I made
Sharon showing off Barb's ornament
The tree decorated with all our ornaments after the exchange
Rebbecca showing off Marie-Paule's ornament
Marie-Paule showing off Sharon's ornament
Unfortunately Sunday came wayyy too soon and we all headed our separate ways!
I am looking forward to Ann's next retreat, a new one she added for January!
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