I got to start the long weekend one day sooner than expected, and not in a manner I would suggest to anyone! I spent a fair amount of today in bed, recovering from a very rough night on Thursday, which included a visit to the ER.
I had a great evening yesterday, I had met
Christin and some old friends who I used to work with, for dinner. We went to the Parliament Pub downtown right across from Parliament Hill. I had a very yummy chicken panini. It was a great visit with my old co-workers, Christin brought me my copy of the JCS Ornament Issue (finally), and Christin and I wrapped up the evening with a walk on Parliament Hill, and a quick stop in Old Navy. I wanted a new pair of jeans (once again my pants are getting big), and there was a
gorgeous red wool jacket I positively drooled on. But I left the jacket there, and got just the jeans.
When I got home I was feeling good and full of energy, I felt like going for a run. So I got changed and hopped onto the treadmill for a 5K run. Near the end of my run I started to break out into hives. That didn't bother me too much, I break out in hives from time to time, nothing new right? The hives were pretty bad by the time I got off of the treadmill, I was literally covered head to toe in thousands of them. I took a reactine and wanted to get in the shower. I was in the shower for only a minute or two when I realized something was wrong. My vision started going snowy and my hearing was muffled. I knew I had to get out of there. Thank goodness Todd was nearby he knew I wasn't feeling right and when I went to get a towel I passed out. I didn't even know it had happened the next thing I knew I was on the floor, apparently he managed to help me down as a fell.
Todd helped me to get to the bedroom, I know I passed out at least once maybe twice more on the way there. In the end I think I passed out about four or five times over a short period of time before Todd was able to help me get dressed and get me into the car to go to the hospital.
In the end we don't know what happened last night, why I kept passing out. I had bloodwork done, that came back okay (elevated white blood cell count but that was to be expected with the hives), I had an ECG my heart is healthy. My blood pressure which was low when I went in was back to normal when I was discharged at 1:30am (feeling pretty weak and tired). I now have an appointment later this week to follow up with my family doctor.
As of this evening I am fine and feeling more like myself than I have in the last 24 hours. I've also done some stitching (a sure sign I'm getting back to normal).
Needless to say I stayed home from work today, took things very easy, with a 5 hour nap in the afternoon.