More Black Belt Stitching Wizard Stuff

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

A Little Lovin'

Today I have been migraine free! Yay! I woke up and it was gone, but I was absolutely exhausted. I often find they leave me feeling like I'd been run over by a bus. However as this evening has gone on I'm finding myself sensitive to light and sound, but the migraine hasn't developed.

I do want to say thanks to everyone for your concerns and wishes for my health. Yes, I should go to the doctor I'll just procrastiante a little longer. Just a little background info, I was diagnosed with migraines at the tender age of 9. So for me they're just a fact of life, I can continue to function through most of them (which would probably knock a non-sufferer on their ass). Having lived with them all my life, I do know my limits of when I can keep going and when its time to stop. Isn't it sad when I can see these as just a fact of life?

Onto bigger and better things!!! Tonight, I finished Love!

c2007 Lizzie*Kate
Double Flip #F70
Stitched on : 32 ct Lambswool Linen using WDW and GAST

I've also figured out what I'm going to stitch for Hanna, my partner for Fair & Square round 5! I've got the fabric cut, and on Thrusday I'll pull the floss (I'm looking forward to PL tomorrow night!) and get started.


Anonymous said...

I must admit that these patterns are so cute and colorful that I am really tempted to do them also. I have to keep repeating to's not on your goal is not on your goal list. Do you think I will listen?

Mel in Dubai said...

I am so tempted to get these double flip-its - your progress is beautiful :)

Christine S said...

Oh, I wish my fabric would get here so I could start on my L*K Double Flips! Yours look fantastic so far!

Danielle said...

Dani, these look fantastic! And I love how you're stitching them all on one piece of fabric. I look forward to seeing the rest.

Vonna Pfeiffer said...

Your L*K's are looking fabulous :) Hurray for you! Glad your feeling some better, and I know how you feel about the "facts of life" stuff...I have exzema on my eyelids (of all places) and though I can keep it in control, but it still leaves my eyelids a bit wrinkled in appearance...I don't think anything of it since I've suffered from it since I was 10 or so...but other people notice and ask me about it all the time....lovely....

Mindi said...

Congratulations on your Love mini-HD! It looks like the LK flip-its are stitching up pretty quick.

M said...

Glad you finally had a headache free night (I got yours instead!) :)
BTW, yesterday's Tour made a nice appearance! Those LK's are gorgeous too. I'm considering adding them to my growing stash LOL.
Yes, meet me anytime tomorrow night! Do you want to eat bagels next door or go out for chinese food? Are you bringing PL? Please (hint)? I will bring CDC and my Lowery :) Call me anytime! I just realized I will be missing LOST to stitch! Ach! Thank-god for PVR!

mainely stitching said...

Wow, a migraine sufferer since 9?? No doubt, you're more of an expert than 'the average bear.' Hoping you'll be pain free soon!

Great stitching!!

Karoline said...

Love is looking lovely, congratulations

Judith said...

Glad you are Migraine free I hate having headaches. I have them a bit often too.

Mylene said...

Glad to hear you feel much better.
LK finished looks lovely.

Leslie aka zoeandcooper said...

Congrats on your second finish! It looks great!

Carla said...

Lovely!!! Can't wait to stitch this one !!

DaisyGirl said...

I feel for you, I had migraines since I was in the 8th grade, so I know what you mean. I always worry that one will sneak back up on me too! Glad one hasn't! Stitching looks great!

Claire said...

Lookin' great Dani!!


Cheryl said...

This is stitching up quick! Looks great.
MY DH suffers from migraines, its awful :(

Sharon said...

It looks so pretty Dani! Congrats.

stitcherw said...

So glad you're feeling better, and your new LK is looking gorgeous. I have the material and first two pattern cards, but was waiting on the fibers. However, after seeing how lovely yours is looking, ordered the threads this past weekend during a superbowl sale. So I may be starting it in the near future after all.

Unknown said...

Glad you're feeling better! Congrats on your 2nd HD of the week

Wanda said...

Glad to hear you are feeling better! Terrible to hear about the headaches yuck! You never know they may have come up with some new treatments since the last time you visited.
Your LK is looking super that's is the best I think so far.

Beatrice said...

Happy Dances for LOVE. It is very pretty.

Michelle said...

You're going to have to stop posting photos of this, otherwise I will be forced to buy the charts!

Lynn said...

Your LK flip-it looks really great! The more I see these the more tempted I am to run out and get some myself! Then common sense steps in and tells me I have enough to do right now. Darn I hate it when I show restraint!
I'm so glad to hear the migraine is on the way out. Take care of yourself.

Aussie Stitcher said...

Glad that you are feeling better, your LK and PL are coming along nicely.