Friday, December 31, 2004
Thursday, December 30, 2004
If you're one of my regular blog readers you'll know a couple of weeks ago I laid out for you my 2005 stitching plans. Well they've just been totally changed!
I received some fantastic news yesterday when my best friend Claire from Tennessee had a free day from her family up here to visit with me. She got engaged!!! She's also asked me to be one of her bridesmaids! So of course I have to stitch her a wedding sampler! Not just any wedding sampler, but Teresa Wentzler's Wedding Sampler. So as soon as I finish Ottawa Sampler and part 1a of Mini Mystery H I'll get started on Wedding Sampler (I better start kitting up!).
So for the moment until the sampler is finished all my other stitching plans for 05 will be put to the side.
Yay Claire!!!!
Tuesday, December 28, 2004
Every serious, addicted, obsessive stitcher has a stash. That's a collection of charts, fabrics, fibers, beads, and so on. What good stitcher doesn't? Believe me I have a stash and a half! Some times its a pain to have one. How to store it, organize it, etc.
But today its great to have a stash. I'm making excellent progress on Jeannette Douglas's Ottawa Sampler and I've now reached band 11 of 17 and I've run out of Weeks Dye Works Sky! The horror, I tell you the horror. I've had to do some frogging in that colour so I'm not surprised. What do I do? I've run out... do I have some? Do I have to make a special trip to the LNS tomorrow (which is 30 minutes away). Calm down, take a deep breath. Lets go check our stash.
YES!!! There it is... plenty of Sky! Whew.
My stash saved the day!
Monday, December 27, 2004
Yesterday morning I picked back up Ottawa Sampler by Jeannette Douglas for the first time since I took the class at the retreat I went to in October. I figured I might get a row or two done. Well by the time I put it down very late last night (after stitching for about 16 hours) I was well into row 7! There are 17 rows in this design.
If my Mum doesn't want to go out today, I'll be able to make significant progress again today.
Will I finish this before the New Year???? Who knows!
Sunday, December 26, 2004
Every year I start my stitching year with the promise to keep my webpage upto date with progress pictures and finished projects. As usual I got behind. But this morning I finally finished updating my webpage.
You can visit it HERE
This morning I've started working on Jeannette Douglas's Ottawa Sampler the class I took at the retreat I went to in October.
Saturday, December 25, 2004
Monday, December 20, 2004
You'd think after framing about 6 items for customers over the last two and a half weeks I'd be sick of framing. But nope I had two more to do before I could take a small break (I got two more before breaking for Christmas). Today I framed Take Time To Quilt - Summer by Jeannette Douglas for my Mum. I also framed a Teresa Wentzler freebie for my friend Misty. I hope she's pleased with what I've done!
Here's Take Time to Quilt.

Holy Cow! Its cold out this morning! When Todd got up he told me that it was -42c with the windchill! I can tell its cold out without even looking at the thermometer, the house is pretty cool and the heat ran for a long time this morning. The heat will probably be kicking in again soon.
Yesterday I was hoping to get a start on turning a round robin I had done a couple of years ago (Vermillion's International Bears) into a quilt for my niece for Christmas. My Mum had the perfect fabric but as we ironed it large yellow-ish blotches appeared in the fabric. We washed it and tried again. Still, yellow blotches. So we hopped in the car (it was only -20c yesterday...) and drove into town to see if the quilt shop was open. It wasn't. So we abandoned any quilt making for the day. Since the car was still warm I dropped my Mum back off and went home.
So I got a good stretch of stitching in on Dragon's Tea Party! Here's a progress pic.
Dragon's Tea Party c2003 Dragon Dreams

Today I'm going to sort my craft room a little since I'm not insane and am not going out to find fabric today!!! Also I'll put in some more hours on Dragon's Tea Party.
Sunday, December 19, 2004
Its about this time of year that most stitchers start looking towards the New Year and planning their stitching year.
Once again this upcoming year I want to finish some of the projects that I have started over the last couple of years and kinda abandoned. No, I don't like the term UFO (un-finished object), so they're not called that in my home! So the projects I'd like to put on the "chopping block" in '05 are :
Noah's Submarine - Stoney Creek
- I started this one a couple of years ago... more than 2 1/2 years ago. I never really got beyond page 1... I did finish it though.
Ottawa Sampler - Jeannette Douglas
- This is the class I took at this fall's Cross Stitch Cupboard Retreat. I of course have a small start on this because we were being taught some of the trickier specialty stitches. Once I get going this shouldn't take me long
Celtic Banner - Butternut Road
- This was my New Year's start for 2004 and I never touched it again all year long.
Now for the projects I'd like to start in 2005... starting a new project is always much more exciting than working on an old project.
- Bug Collector - Jeannette Douglas
- Arabian Woman - Lanarte
- Celtic Band Sampler - Homespun Elegance
- Scottish Castle Sampler - Cat's Cradle
- Mini Mandalas 1 - Chatelaine
- Dragon By The Fireside Stocking - Black Swan
Will I actually get to stitch these in '05? I have no clue. This list can also change at any time. There are just the project that have been screaming at me for some time. But some may turn to a weak whisper as a new design comes along with a louder voice.
Have you planned your stitching for '05?
Saturday, December 18, 2004
Friday, December 17, 2004
YAY! Yesterday part 3 of Mini Mystery G (Sapphire) was released. But I had such a long day and my eyes were burning by the time I got home that I couldn't sit to stitch! Heck I just went to bed!
So tonight I got to sit down and work on part 3, boy it was a quick stitch! So Mini Mystery G by Martina Webber of Chatelaine c2004 is done.

Now I get to wait for Mini Mystery H to start on January 1st... Amethyst!
Wednesday, December 15, 2004
Regular blog readers. I must apologize ... someone broke into my account and posted pictures of some Asian woman with really bad spelling. Luckily the photos weren't offending and the posts have been removed. If you're a regular blogger you may want to consider changing your password!
Monday, December 13, 2004
Sunday, December 12, 2004
Today was a day for getting things done that were stitching related. My first finish for the day was a stitching Happy Dance. For the first time ever I'm behind on a round robin, the mailing date was Monday of this past week... its now Sunday. But its stitched and will go in the mail on Thursday.
Here's Terrance Nolan's Ash Gray Ladybug c1999 this is for Sherrin's Wee Beasties RR

After completing my stitching for the day I retreated to my craft room to finish the last of my Christmas Ornaments. I've finished 27 in total this year. I'm not going to post pictures of each and every one of them here however if you follow this link. It'll take you to see them by clicking on each file name individually. A fair amount of these are on my website with full details. The rest will make it onto my website during the Christmas holidays (5 working days to go!) with all the appropriate details and credit.
My next stitching focus is to finish off the poor wee Lanarte Cow I started some months ago but never found the time to get back to. He should be done in a couple of days.
Tuesday, December 07, 2004
Okay I just don't get it, I don't understand the postal system. But then perhaps we're not meant to?
Today I sent two parcels in the mail they were small the same size roughly the same weight. One going to Alberta one going to North Eastern US. Please tell my WHY oh WHY does it cost me 5.05 to send the parcel to the US and 8.00 to send the one within Canada?
I just don't get it.
Monday, December 06, 2004
This month's ornament which I also stitched on in November I think is the ornament that would never end. Though its pretty, though it was on my wish list I found it sooo boring. At times after a short interval of stitching on this I'd want to go and take a nap! But its done, and it is the only Christmas Ornament I'm planning on stitching in December.
Click HERE to have a look at my ornament. I can't give you any details because its for the Ornament RR Group 7 and I wouldn't want to give away the surprise!
Now I'm going to kit up the Ash Grey Ladybug from Terrnace Nolan for my late Wee Beasties RR.
Sunday, December 05, 2004
At least that what it feels like I've been doing this week! I've been doing far more finishing than time stitching. During the week I've been working on finishing my ornaments, over half of them are done now. I just have a couple I want to sew instead of glue. I've also been doing quite a bit of framing. I've got all the mats cuts and almost all the frames made for all of my jobs but one. Tomorrow I'm going to pick up glass for them all and then everything should be finished tomorrow night and ready for delivery on Tuesday! Yay, cause I want them all out of here! I'd also like to get some stuff framed for myself!
So I'm still working on that poor Round Robin Ornament. I'm down to the last colour now and should finish it in a day or two. Then I've got to get going on my current Wee Beasties RR. I thought the mail out date on that was later in December, well it turns out its on Monday. Needless to say it won't be going out on time.
Well the snow is here... I'm ready for summer now!
Wednesday, December 01, 2004
Yup a start of another month, time to fess up on what I got done what I didn't get done, and what I'd like to get done!
November Recap :
- Finish MVI part 11 - Yup... even finished part 12 that's the entire mystery done!
- Finish Mini Mystery G part2 - Yup
- Stitch 2 ornaments - Only got one done
- Make progress on Dragon's Tea Party - Not too bad
- Finish Ottawa Sampler - Didn't see the light of day
- Finish Lanarte Cow - Didn't see the light of day, why refer to goal 3
So I'm very disappointed in November I didn't stitch as much as I would have liked too and I just wasn't focused at all in my stitching.
December Goals
- Finish Mini Mystery G
- Stitch 1 ornament
- Finish Dragon's Tea Party
- Finish Lanarte Cow
- Work on Ottawa Sampler
This month's goals I hope are more attainable, also I'll be off work for two weeks over the holidays so there should... and I say should be plety of stitching time!!!
Sunday, November 28, 2004
Tuesday, November 23, 2004
Now that everything is calming down... well at least for me it is I know many are gearing up for the Christmas season but for me it feels like life is slowing down a little (and if you know me that's a good thing).
This week I'm not going into TKD to train because there are things that need to get done here at home and there's just not enough hours in the day to do everything. This week I've been focusing on framing I've got quite a few jobs to get done before the Christmas break rolls around at work. I framed one piece yesterday, started a second but messed up on the mats. Since there's not enough left I've got to head back to my supplier to pick up two new sheets... just a stupid mistake on my part. I framed another one tonight, my first time framing a painting with a liner. It came out very nice. I also stretched a needlework piece for a friend and once I've got that as straight as can be (I'll play with it a little more) I'll pick out the molding. I was initially planning on matting it but I think a plain frame will draw the eye to the great fabric. I also finally got Take Time To Quilt stretched to the point where I'm happy with it and can pick a frame out for it too.
I need to get to the bead shop and pick up some more supplies to make fobs. I've got orders for three more I'd also like to make some for stitching friends for Christmas. Ahhh the time!!!
I've also been slowly working on my 2nd ornament for the month. Yet again its a piece that requires more stitching than usual for an ornament. But I think I'm going to like it in the end, I can see this one as a piece I will keep for my tree.
That reminds me... I need to get to ornament finishing. I've also got a set of stitched up International Bears (Vermillion) that I'd like go get finished into a quilt for my Niece for Christmas.
See it just never stops... This is just my personal life, lets not forget I work full time, I try to train 2 hrs a week at Taekwon-Do and I teach 2 hours some weeks, 4 others!
Do you feel as tired as I am after reading this???
Sunday, November 21, 2004
Well I just took a look, and its been almost a week since my last blog! I'm a very, very bad blogger! How am I supposed to keep you, the reader entertained?
Needless to say its been an insane week for me! I automatically loose one night a week to teaching at Taekwon-Do. I now have one night a week where I teach two classes on a regular basis. I'm actually finding that I love it! But it sure eats into the stitching time. Lately I've only been able to find an hour here 30 minutes there to stitch! This week I had guild one night, taught the next, trained the night after and Friday night I went and saw Great Big Sea with some friends. Saturday I was off to Brighton to our annual ornament finishing day. I spent last night in Kingston and I came back home this afternoon. So needless to say I've barely been home.
When I have managed to find some stitching time this week I've either worked on Dragon's Tea Party from Dragon Dreams or my Ornament for the Ornament RR (its top secret so I can't tell you what the design is).
Hopefully this upcoming week will be a little calmer.
Monday, November 15, 2004
Sunday, November 14, 2004
I had decided a week ago when I knew I had nothing going on this Sunday that it was going to be a ME day! Today I've slept in, Todd made me breakfast, I've not gotten dressed and I've stitched. This is what I've accomplished by noon today.
Well it feels like this one has been a long time coming! I found this piece a challenge not because of the design but because the scrap of linen I decided to use was fairly loosely woven. I found it difficult to get my stitches to lie nice and flat! But its cute!
Here's Holiday Keepsake Bellpull c1999 Dragon Dreams

Thursday, November 11, 2004
Since December 25th of last year when we received part 1 of Chatelaine's Mystery VI I've been anxious at the beginning of each month to download and stitch the latest installment. Now after almost a whole year the adventure is slowly coming to an end. Tonight I've finished part 11 of Mystery VI the second to last installment, I also have finished all the beading to date on this piece.
So now I am REALLY ANXIOUSLY waiting for part 12 the end of this year long project.
From month to month I've swung from liking this project to hating it and back to liking it again. What is the final verdict? Its stunning! So what is to come in part 12? Me, I'm guessing some hanging baskets to go in the corners perhaps? I asked Martina, the designer if she could give us a little tease with the colours that will be used in part 12. So the colours that will be used are : Gloriana - topiary, rosewood, cranberry, and red clay. Caron Waterlillies copper, and Silk 'n colors meadowgrass. Only time will tell what part 12 will turn out to be.

I've been on a beaded scissor fob making frenzy this week! Now that the pressure is off at Taekwon-Do I'm now playing catchup at home. I've finished off five new fobs tonight which will be on sale at Knowledge and Needles (click to go to the website). If you see something you like feel free to get in touch with Ann the owner.

Sunday, November 07, 2004
YES!!!! We're all smiles over here! All my hard work has paid off over the last month and a half! Today I passed my test to become a 2nd Degree Black Belt in Taekwon-Do!
Gosh I'm soooo happy! My instructor was just awesome and had ordered me a brand new ebroidered belt with my name and Taekwon-Do in Korean Characters. I just love it!
Here's my instructor and I after the test was over today.
Like I said... all smiles!
Friday, November 05, 2004
Tuesday, November 02, 2004
Yup, its the start of another month! Time to review and plan for November!
October Goals :
1. Finish Take Time To Quilt - Summer - DONE
2. Finish Mystery VI - Part 10 - DONE
3. Finish Mini Mystery G - Part 1 a&b - DONE
4. Stitch 2 ornaments - DONE
5. Stitch up a bookmark I designed - DONE
November Goals:
- Finish Part 11 of Mystery VI (and 12 if it comes out early???), more beading too!
- Stitch part 2 of Mini Mystery G
- Stitch 2 christmas ornaments
- Finish Ottawa Sampler
- Finish Lanarte Cow
- Make progerss on Dragon's Tea Party
Okay well not really a disaster but to a stitcher, yes its a disaster! As time has allowed me I've been working on part 11 of Mystery VI, and I've run out of one of the NPI grey silks!!!! Arrrgh with less than a dozen stitches to go.
But never fear, Kathy from European XS has come to the rescue! A package with the silk and the kit for Mini Mystery H is making its way to me as we type. I wonder how that kit got in there?
Bad clickie finger! Bad!
Gotta take advantage of a good exchange rate!
Sunday, October 31, 2004
Well part 1 of my 2nd Degree Black Belt test is done. Saturday I wrote my hour long test followed by the physical. This consisted of 6 minutes of skipping (my technique was admired by all), 250 sit-ups and 250 push-ups. Since it was raining cats and dogs we couldn't go do the run portion of the physical. So it got pushed back to today.
I'm very proud of my run this time around, I ran/walked 6.4 Km (that's 16 laps of the track folks!). I think I ran over half of it and I did it in just over an hour. I think that was much better than the 3.2 Km I had to do for my First Degree.
Now I can focus on next Sunday my technical test!
Friday, October 29, 2004
I wish I could be stitching. But the pressure is on. Last weekend I really got a chance to escape and enjoy my retreat. This week has been hard work! All week long I have been studying and finishing off an essay. Tomorrow morning is the first part of my 2nd Degree Black Belt test in Taekwon-Do. I have been studying like mad for tomorrow's written test. Not only do I have a 1 hour written test I have a physical that consists of 250 sit ups, 250 push ups, 6 minutes of skipping and 16 laps of the track (6.4 km). Next Sunday will be the second and final portion where I will perform the technical portion of the test. Here I will either be promoted or fail.
This test has been so different from my 1st Degree. For my 1st I felt so prepared and that I knew everything so well. This time around I feel like despite all my reading and studying I'm not retaining anything. Wednesday night and Thursday night I finally got some direction from two class mates who have their 2nd degree and that has really helped me to focus and narrow my studying. I don't feel so panicked anymore.
Tomorrow is a big day!
Sunday, October 24, 2004
Back in March I signed up for the Cross Stitch Cupboard's 11th fall retreat. This was my first time going and boy was I excited when Friday the 22nd finally rolled around!
I was a good girl and went ahead an worked 1/2 a day before hopping in my car and zooming off to Gananoque (a little too fast if the cops had seen me!) I arrived at the Gananoque Inn at about 1:30 pm
I was able to check in to my room, my mystery room mate had not arrived yet! Once settling in, and picking my bed (great advantage to being there first!) I went to find the St. Lawrence Room where was the stitching room for the retreat. Well I didn't have far to go... You see that first unit on the white building on the left and the windowed room on the building on the right. Yup I had far to go! They must of known I was a keen stitcher!
I settled myself at a table in the St. Lawrence room and soon other stitchers started coming by and welcoming me to the retreat, obviously I was a newbie! Many of the women there had been going for the last 11 years! Maria a kind woman took me under her wing and made sure I knew what was going on and introduced me to her retreat pals. At 6pm it was time for wine and cheese... very nice wine and cheese! As we got into the lobby we were all given a name tag, not or own and had to go find the owner. Boy was that a challenge! The only people I did know was the staff at the CSC and Jeannette Douglas the weekend's guest instructor! After wine and cheese we all went and sat down to dinner. Boy were we spoilt when it came to food! Both Dinner and Lunch we received a menu with appetizer choices, three main course choices, and a dessert buffet! The main courses there was always a choice between a meat dish, a fish dish, and a vegetarian dish. You'll not go hungry at this retreat! After dinner it was back down to the St Lawrence Room for stitching until I couldn't keep my eyes open!
The piece I decided to work on Friday was Chatelaine's Mystery VI, I figured beading was something I could easily pick up and put down. Boy did my Mystery cause quite a stir. I think I spent more time showing it to each woman who came by and talking about it than actually beading. But by 10:30 I had finally finished the beading on part 4 which is something I wanted to get accomplished this weekend!
My Room mate arrived a little before dinner and I was relieved to find it was someone I did know, a member from guild. We chatted a bit before turning in, because we had class Saturday morning!
Saturday morning I was greeted with a gorgeous sunrise!
Breakfast was buffet style and once again delicious! By 9am it was time for my first class of the weekend which was Ottawa Sampler with Jeannette Douglas
As with the class I took from Jeannette last year she was an excellent instructor! The piece is beautiful and as usual full of creative stitches and great specialty fibers. This was a full day class, and I was lucky at lunch to sit and share it with Jeannette.
The afternoon turned out to be gorgeous!
Saturday's dinner was quite an affair, it was a dress up dinner! We had everything from dress clothes to gowns to tiaras! We were entertained by a piano player as we ate! Dinner was followed by door prizes and goodie bags! Also we could view the stitcher's pride gallery! Once the pomp and ceremony of the evening were over, I took that long walk to my room and got into my jammies for some more stitching! If I'm gonna stitch I'm going to be comfortable! Saturday evening was spent working on Dragon's Tea Party from Dragon Dreams.
Sunday, today I woke up to it being a little gloomy out. It also matched the way I felt because it was my last day at retreat. Many women were staying on until Monday but I just don't have that luxury with my job. This morning we were encouraged to vote for our favorite bookmark, there was a challenge to stitch a bookmark that showed your passion for stitching. I rose up to the challenge and came up with my own design.

At 9am I settled myself in the St. Lawrence room for Jeannette's Sunday morning class, Autumn Tree of Life Scissor fob. I was able to finish it by lunchtime!

While everyone rushed up for lunch at noon Jeannette and I stayed behind for a bit and had a nice quiet chat without everyone else around. It was nice to have a moment of peace and quiet before going for lunch together! Lunch was a big affair today, there was Ellen's annual retreat song, this year it was "Stitching Stash Blues", followed by announcing the book mark challenge winners... I didn't even get in the top 3 (pout). Then the big door prizes, one of which was a free retreat next year... I didn't win any of those either (pout). After lunch I took a walk to a small museum nearby to check out a little needlework exhibition then hit the main drag to find most of the stores closed. But I did manage to find a shop that sold Ice Dragonlets so I bought one for my collection!
Then it was time to go home....
Here's my favorite picture of the weekend ... (Jeannette and I with my finished fob)
Well lets get the fun and quick stuff out of the way first.
For this year's CSNF in Toronto I stitched a model for Dragon Dreams called Magic In my Needle, an introduction to stitching over two class. I have to say I had a lot of fun with this piece!
c2004 Dragon Dreams

I also managed to stitch my 2nd ornament for October at the beginning of the week, this was a blackwork intro class taught at my guild.

Friday, October 22, 2004
Back in March when I heard that Jeannette Douglas was going to be the guest instructor at the Cross Stitch Cupboard's annual fall retreat I managed to grab the last spot! Boy that was a long time ago and for ages it seemed that the weekend of October 22nd was years away!
Finally its here! And I'm excited!
I got to meet Jeannette last year and take one of her classes, she was a great teacher and had such a wonderful personality. I really wanted to take one of her classes again!
So it turns out she's at the retreat this year and she has designed just for us a special Ottawa Sampler, the class I will be taking on Saturday.
We're staying in the gorgeous 1000 islands Region in an Inn I've told is just fantastic! Every thing is paid for at this point, my room, all meals, and classes, etc. So there are no money worries, no budgeting. And well I won't go over budget either.
So I'll catch you on the flip side... Sunday and I'm sure I will have pictures to share!
Saturday, October 16, 2004
That was my challenge. Next weekend I'm off to the Cross Stitch Cupboard's annual fall retreat for the first time. We were encouraged to design a bookmark to express our love for stitching. I've done just that! Its bright, and a little whitty, and nothing too fancy. I'm proud of it!
But I'm not going to show it to you until after the retreat is over. You never know, the competition may be reading this ;-)
Friday, October 15, 2004
I always like to have something small on the go, that way between the large projects you always feel like you've accomplished something. Some of those large projects takes months! You can't go too long without a Happy Dance!
I've been waiting on some supplies I hadn't had time to pick up to finish an ornament. Once again I'm going to just post a link. There was a mix-up with my Ornament RR, Group 7 so I've had to change my selection. So Click HERE to see my new selection. Its very pretty!
On Wednesday part 1b of Mini Mystery G was released and I finally got it finished tonight. I probably would of gotten it done last night but I came home with a killer migraine, the kind that puts me out of commission.
Mini Mystery G - Part 1b

Thursday, October 14, 2004
You can tell when life gets busy for me... I don't blog as often! So here is two weeks worth of Stitching Blogger Questions...
Last weeks Question :
Thread organization: plastic bobbins, yes or no? How do you organize your threads?
Hmmm well how I organize depends on the threads. I always have one complete set of DMC floss on bobbins in floss boxes. But then all the extra DMC I've had left over from model stitching I keep in floss-a-way baggies on a ring. I try to use these first before I use what's on my bobbins. Specialty fibers I also keep in floss-a-way baggies. They're organized on rings, one for cottons, one for silks, one for Rainbow Galleries threads, and one for whatever doesn't fit the other categories.
This weeks question :
You've just been given a $100 gift certificate to buy anything cross stitch or needlework related - what would you spend it on right now?
Hmmm I think lately I've been on a fiber/fabric kick. Or at least I've been wanting to buy some! I could easily spend that money on some hand dyed fabrics, Sugar Maple Fabrics's Burnt Papyrus is one of them for sure! As for fibers I looove Gloriana Silk overdyed threads and would buy a bunch of those!
Sunday, October 10, 2004
Okay I don't think technology and I are friends this week. After not being able to access my webspace for over half the week and now I just typed up a nice long blog for you only to loose it all because when I clicked post it gave me a page not found message!
So lets try this again...
I finished Lanarte's Duck. This is the third I've stitched in a series of very cute barnyard animals. Its stitched over one using tent stitch.

I finally finished Jeannette Douglas's Take Time To Quilt - Summer. This piece has been my Achillies Heel lately! Now don't get me wrong the chart and instructions were perfect... it was just my "interpretation" of them! LOL. Lets see... first I couldn't remember how to count, so while putting in the boxes I had to frog twice. Then when I was stitching one box's contents I thought I knew the pattern... wrong. So I just kept going on with what I had started. The next box's contents... got my colours mixed up... I left it anyhow. Then it came down to the beads. When you've got somewhere from 100-200 packages of Mill Hill Beads you'd think you would have two colours. Wrong! I didn't have either colour the chart called for. So I had to wait until I could get to the Cross Stitch Cupboard on Wednesday. So may I present to you.... Take Time to Quilt - Summer

Thursday I finally made it to my frame supplier to get the molding and mats I needed to get Celtic Heart framed. Its a gift for a Wedding Todd and I are going to tomorrow. Talk about procrastination! I stretched the piece and cut the mats on Thursday and made the frame and did assembly on Saturday

I got Part 10 of Chatelaine's Mystery VI finished! We're into the home stretch now!

Finally I can share my Happy Dances with you! Since about Wednesday I've been unable to access my personal web space. My ISP seems to have finally resolved the problem!
So lets rewind to Tuesday of this past week where I finished Lanarte's Duck. This is stitched over one using two strands of floss with the tent stitch. These barnyard animals are so cute! This is the third I've stitched in this series.

Wednesday I finally finished up Jeannette Douglas's Take Time to Quilt - Summer. If you've followed my Blog you'll know that this piece has been my Achilles heel! I had a number of counting problems... then I would get colours mixed up, not follow directions properly, and so on. Then came the beads. When you've got more than 100 different colours of Mill Hill beads in your stash you'd think you'd have the two you need. Well I didn't!!! So I had to wait until Wednesday when I could pick them up at the Cross Stitch Cupboard. Without further ado, and no more headaches....

Then yesterday I got around to framing a piece I stitched for a wedding Todd and I are attending tomorrow (nothing like procrastination). I've already HD'ed this so I won't go into all the details. Here's Celtic Heart and I've done the framing, I'm very happy with the results!

And now up to date with today... I finished part 10 of Chatelaine's Mystery VI! We're finally reaching the home stretch with this (12 parts) here is a close-up of the bottom right hand corner.

Thursday, October 07, 2004
Sunday, October 03, 2004
Last month Chatelaine's Mini Mystery F wrapped up, and I enjoyed the project so much that I splurged and signed up for Mini Mystery G. Mini G, is another design in the gemstone series, this time sapphire. I have to say the colours in this Mystery are gorgeous, including 24kt gold beads! Yummy!
Part 1a was released on Friday but between being exhausted on Friday and the Grand Opening TKD demo I was in Saturday I just couldn't get around to starting it. Today I decided to pick it up since part 1a looked like a quick stitch. And it was!
Here's Chatelaine's Mini Mystery G - Sapphire, part 1a

Well I'm about 3 days behind but here is the September recap...
September Goals
- Finish Bandon Lighthouse - Done
- Finish Mini Mystery F - Done
- Finish Celtic Heart - Done
- Stitch 2 Christmas Ornaments - Done, actually did 3
- Wee Beasites RR - Done
- Model for Dragon Dreams - Done
Now I might not get as much done this month... its a very busy one!
October Goals
- Finish Take Time To Quilt - Summer
- Stitch up Mystery VI part 10
- Stitch up Mini Mystery G parts 1 a&b
- Stitch 2 Christmas Ornaments
- Stitch up bookmark design
I would almost have goal number one done, however I don't seem to have the necessary beads in my stash! I'm going to have to hit the Cross Stitch Cupboard this week. I'd go today, but Toodles has my car... he's gone fishing. It was also a close call with the floss on this one I had to go through my orts to find a couple of SNC Plum Honey to finish the border!
Earlier in September I finished stitching up an ornament for a Round Robin that is starting this month. The idea is you stitch up an ornament and supply enough materials for everyone in the group to stitch your selection, everyone else dose the same... its a way to save on buying specialty fibers, embellishments, etc. I've been waiting on an embellishment to arrive from Australia! This week it finally did and just now I've finished it into a proper ornament.
So instead of posting the picture here in my Blog like I normally do this time you'll have to follow a link. So if you're in Ornament Round Robin Group 7 with me look at your own risk if you wanted to keep my selection a surprise!
Dani's Ornament RR Group 7 Selection
Thursday, September 30, 2004
Hi everyone! Sorry I'm so late with this, its been a hectic and tiring week... I've now been back to work a full week and Taekwon-Do started up again on Monday. Between working all day and training pretty much every day this week I am absolutely exhausted! Okay... here goes this week's question!
Would you or have you designed your own cross stitch design? If you have can we see it?
Yes I have designed a couple of ornaments, nothing too spectacular. Here's one that I have the chart available as a .PDF
Called Diamond Tree
Sunday, September 26, 2004
I guess I don't believe in reading directions... because I keep messing up Take Time to Quilt!!! Yesterday I working on one of the boxes and I followed the stitch diagram for the first three rows of the stitch. I figured filling in the rest of the box just followed that design.... Nope not until I has almost done did I look at the actual chart. Oh well I finished it the way I had done it. Then I was working on another box that contained a flower using a Van Dyke stitch.... picked up the wrong colours with this one... I've left it anyhow.
I think I'm doomed with this project!
Saturday, September 25, 2004
This week I went back to work, and boy do you ever get tired easily after being off for a long period of time. I can assure you being tired and stitching don't quite mix!
Last night I was stitching away on Jeannette Douglas's Take Time to Quilt - Summer when I noticed the placement of the boxes inside the design didn't appear right... yup I had to frog. I got that all ripped out and started to put in the big middle box... wait its not right again! Frog again... I think I have it right now, I just have one more line of x's to put in and it should be time for me to start the specialty stitches. Hopefully now the frogs will stay away!
Wednesday, September 22, 2004
If you could design your dream needlework/cross stitch shop, what would it be like?
Hmmm that's a tough one! Now the question really is first do you want to own a store? Owning a store is A LOT of responsibility! But then you know what you're the boss and if its quiet and you want to just sit and stitch you could.
I think I would combine a business with my good friend Vicki, she owns a bead shop and I know she'd love to be able to include needlework as part of it! So we'd open up a 1/2 beading 1/2 needlework shop with a framing corner! A one stop sopping extravaganza!
I would have it well stocked with specialty fibers. There's nothing that irritates me more than going to the LNS to find out that once again they're out of stock of the colour you're looking for! Of course it would have all kinds of cool charts... a huge fantasy, celtic section I think! Of course you also have to stock what sells not only what you like.
But I would be in my element and would love my job if this dream could come true! So if you're a multi-millionaire and want to send some money my way to make my dream come true... feel free to e-mail me LOL!
There has to be one thing I love about this time of year and that is returning to Guild after a summer hiatus! Its so much fun going in and seeing all the faces, catching up with everyone... Making sure they had a good summer. Of course there's all those Happy Dances to share right???? So that was last night, our first Guild meeting of the season.
Today I went back to work, for the first time in seven weeks. I've not been off of work for more than a week or two since 1997! I wasn't supposed to return until next Friday however the woman covering my position was no longer able to fill my job so I agreed to return a week and a bit early. Boy am I tired! But its was so nice today, staff would go out of their way to welcome me back. Kids were happy to see me back. One kid also gave a relieved "Finally!... You're back!" That just made my day! Its nice to know that YES you are appreciated and yes your contribution to your work community does make a difference. I left today with a good feeling.
Annnnd just now at my computer I finished up the last of my September Goals! I put in the last bit of backstitching on the Wee Beasties Round Robin I'm in. This time around I stitched The Larch Ladybug by Terrance Nolan.

Saturday, September 18, 2004
Right now I'm in one active round robin and one about to start. The active round robin is a Wee Beasties (Dimples Designs) round robin. Today I'm pulling the threads to stitch Charlie's piece, he's getting the Larch Ladybug.
The other round robins that is getting ready to start is an ornament round robin and it is quite a unique idea. These days it seems more and more ornaments that are designed are using specialty fibers, embellishments and charms. Which for the small amount you need to actually stitch the oranment makes some quite expensive! So the idea was brought up why not get a group of 6 together we each pick an ornament and kit it up for yourself and five others? Spreading out the costs of kitting up these specialty materials? I actually like this idea because you have no idea what ornaments you will be receiving to stitch and it could be something you've never seen before or something you never considered. So over the last couple of days I've been stitching my ornament up, is a little big for an ornament 4 1/2 inches square but its nice, it makes use of some specialty threads and there's an embellishment as well (which I'm waiting for 6 of them from Australia). Once I've got the embellishment I'll scan the ornament and post a link here. This way those who are in my Ornament RR won't see it unless they choose to click on the link. Its very pretty and I really like it! I do also have to pick up more floss, I don't have enough for everyone yet!
Wednesday, September 15, 2004
Tuesday, September 14, 2004
Yay I just finished another "obligation piece" but this one wasn't a chore at all! Its actually a gift but I won't say for who or why because you never know whose reading my blog right?
This is Celtic Heart by M Designs from the August 2004 issue of Just Cross Stitch. Its stitched on 28ct Queen Ann's Lace Joblean by Wichelt using Gumnut Stars 237. I needed 2 8m skiens to complete this piece. I plan on framing it myself.

Monday, September 13, 2004
Do you stitch small projects one at a time that you can finish quickly, have numerous large projects going at once that you rotate,or both? How does your current system work for you and have you thought about changing it?
Hmmm my system... Well I used to be a very faithful one at a time stitcher... to the point that the ladies on the TWBB started calling it Le Technique de la TKDchick (my user ID). However once I became a model stitcher that changed. Once I started stitching models I'd have at least two projects on the go, my model and my own project. However I usually only focus on the one that's most critical to be finished (usually the model) I don't like to hop between project. I also don't like to rotate or have too many projects on the go, because I get stressed out.
In the last year I've always seemed to have a model on the go (yay I'm currently model free!), something I was working on for myself, and an ornament. I always have a small project or an ornament on the go, this is something I carry around in my bag, I work on it at lunch, when I'm waiting somewhere or when I wait for a webpage to load up on my computer. So you can say I always have at least one large and one small project on the go.
Right now its nice. I know I've got Celtic Heart by M Designs I need to get stitched and framed. My two monthly ornaments are completed, Celtic Heart will get put aside for a day or two when the third and final part of Mini Mystery F gets released on the 15th. Once Celtic Heart is done I might spend a day of beading on Mystery VI (I'm slowly beading up to the current installment so I don't have to do it all at the end). I also have a Wee Beasties Round Robin I need to get stitched in the next 4 weeks. But one thing at a time and it can all be managed.
Saturday, September 11, 2004
Today I went over to my friend Chrisanne's to stitch for the day. I took plenty of different things to work on if I didn't feel like working on my focus project. But for some reason I didn't bring a single needle or pair of scissors.
What kind of stitcher forgets her most important tools?
Luckily Chrisanne had extra.
Just a quick blog before I got to bed, I wanted to share with you another HD of mine, this time my second September Ornament.
Every year Jennifer of Dragon Dreams released a free Christmyth ornament on her webpage. This year's freebie is a Pegasus c2004.
Here's my Christmyth Peggie stitched on 28ct Antique Annabelle from Sugar Maple Fabrics

Thursday, September 09, 2004
How do you explain cross stitch to non-cross stitching people? Do they get it or do they say “Oh, right.. you do knitting then (or sewing, or needlepoint)"?
I've pretty much given up trying to explain these days. I think if you're not a crafter you just don't understand. I go as far as correcting someone in calling it Needlework if they call it something like sewing or needlepoint. I'm a cross stitcher through and through but most of the curious masses are content at "Needlework". Some of the more curious are amazed that the image isn't already on the fabric that I can stitch without any reference on the fabric. If I'm in the mood I may go into detail about finding the centre of the design and fabric and just starting there. But these days I just don't bother... They're interrupting in my stitching time anyhow!
Well I am celebrating in my household tonight, despite the rain we're getting from the reminants of hurricane Francis, and some minor flooding in my basement this afternoon (no damage, just 30 minutes of panic)
My model, Bandon Lighthouse by c1998 Marc Saastad of The Silver Lining is FINISHED! This model has been on the go, very slowly since October of 2003.
May I share with you, stitched over one on 28ct Lavender Sunset Joblean : Bandon Lighthouse

Wednesday, September 08, 2004
How do you explain cross stitch to non-cross stitching people? Do they get it or do they say “Oh, right.. you do knitting then (or sewing, or needlepoint)"?
I do get asked frequently what I'm doing and yes often people call it sewing, knitting, needlepoint. I am a cross stitcher... my passion is cross stitching. Over the years I have given up trying to explain it I just say yeah I'm doing NEEDLEWORK. I suppose that's close enough. If they continue to ask me questions I'll continue to answer but most people are happy to leave it at needlework. Some people are amazed that the pattern is not already on the fabric.... I do counted cross stitch but I never bother to explain that either. Usually once I tell them what its going to be I get left alone after that.
Sunday, September 05, 2004
Before getting back to Bandon Light I decided to finish up an ornament I had started ... a little stitching for myself. This month I've stitched up a freebie from the Caron Website by Ute Senkel-Weinberg c2004
This heart is stitched on 32ct Platinum Lugana, using Caron Waterlillies - Holiday.

Saturday, September 04, 2004
Yup, remember that Dragon Dreams model I talked about earlier this week? Well its all done! I love it when a project goes so smoothly. Its also a great experience when you can talk to the designer when you feel something isn't working or perhaps its frustrating and you're opinion is valued! Based on some troubles I had Jennifer was great and agreed to a fiber substitution.
I was working with a new (to me) fiber and it just wasn't quite working with the fabric and I found it quite frustrating to stitch with... even just to thread the needle.
Thanks Jen for listening and letting me stitch for you! You're the best!
So now after this pleasant break from my over one lighthouse I'm back to it!
Thursday, September 02, 2004
There's nothing like receiving a new model in the mail! I think sometimes I'm worse than a kid at Christmas! I have to restrain myself from opening the package in the car, even when my house is just down the street. I get quite excited when I get a new "top secret" model, something that's been seen by so few... Whoever the designer wishes to share her/his creation with. To look at the fabric, and the fibers/colours and imagine what its really going to look like all stitched up. Since no one has stitched it before, there's no picture!
Today I got a much anticipated model from one of my favorite designers, Jennifer of Dragon Dreams. Not only does she have unique ideas (and this one is pretty cool!) she a wonderful person as well, an excellent combination! If you're attending the Creative Sewing and Needlework Festival in Toronto this October, Jennifer's stitching over two class will be a lot of fun! Sorry to be such a horrible tease but I'm sworn to secrecy! I'd hate to have the Dragon mad at me, because she is the nicest Dragon you'd ever meet. Hopefully at some point down the road she'll let me share my happy dance with you!
Teee heee... its also fun being in on the secret!
Wednesday, September 01, 2004
First I'll start with my August Review...
1. Finish Myster 6 pt 8 - Done, even got part 9 finished too!
2. Finish Mini Mystery F part 2 - Done
3. Stitch 2 x-mas ornaments - Done
4. Finish Bandon Lighthouse - Nope but pages 5&7 are done
5. Finish Mini Cottages 3 - Done
6. Start Celtic Heart - Yup!
September Goals
1. Finsih Bandon Light
2. Finish Mini Mystery F part 3
3. Finish Celtic Heart
4. Stitch 2 x-mas ornaments
5. Stitch a bug on Charlie's Wee Beasties RR
Tuesday, August 31, 2004
Do you feel cross stitching requires patience?
Well I have two answers to that question...
No, it doesn't that's one thing that any stitcher says is "ooohh that requires so much patience" or "you must be patient". No I just go, I just stitch. Its a matter of following the pattern. I love to stitch it relaxes me and helps time pass in a constructive manner. Much better than just sitting and watching TV. Of course now I can't sit and watch something without some stitching in my hand, I feel lost!
Yes, it does. Patience is needed when learning a new stitch or working from not so clear directions. Patience is also required when working on that huge block of colour and you'd rather move on to something else... or maybe that's discipline?
Monday, August 30, 2004
Well I have to say I'm VERY happy with the progress I made stitching this weekend!
Bandon Light House by The Silver Lining feels like its finally coming together! I've now finished pages 5 and 7. This means that the entire left hand side of the design is done! I got a small start on page 6 last night. I have only pages 6 and 8 left now! Oooh I can almost taste the end!
On Friday while at the Dr's office waiting I got a start on Celtic Heart from the August Just Cross Stitch issue. Between working on it at the Dr's office, while I'm at the computer and a bit at the cottage last night I've got the outside single stitch border done and I'm now working on the inner portion. Its hard to decide which way to stitch with this piece, having to decide what direction to go in when to carry the thread over some non stitched area or to just go with the flow. I'm glad the overdyed thread I chose changes colours very subtly, I think something with obvious colour changes wouldn't work so well.
Today I plan to put in more time on Bandon lighthouse.
Friday, August 27, 2004
Finally! This is a piece I've been working on and off on for a couple of months now (since March-ish I think). It has been my travel project when I've gotten my ornaments for the month stitched. Since after working on it at the retreat this weekend I decided yesterday that it was time to get it finished!
May I present to you....
Michael Powell's Mini Cottages III c2002

Stitched on 14 ct aida using Anchor Floss
I've now gotten a start on my next project, its a wedding gift for a friend of mine who is getting married on Thanksgiving Day (Canadian one of course!). So this is a deadline project. I need to balance it with working on Bandon Light.
Wednesday, August 25, 2004
What would you most like your favorite designer to design next?
I think a subject matter I'd like to see designed is a SPECTACULAR phoenix. I can just visualize the potential this can have in terms of colour, fibers, metallics and so on. I think the one designer that could truly design the phoenix I envision would be Teresa Wentzler.
This time of year is always my favorite, why? Because its time for the annual TWBB Eastern Ontario Retreat! Each year our host Ann opens her home, her shop and her RV to us! This retreat started well before Ann opened her shop Knowledge and Needles. The retreat is free(except for potluck contribution), and there is never any pressure to buy anything from Ann, but as Beth likes to put it we're often "polite".
This year a number of people had to drop out, which was disappointing Beth, Linda and Vicki (was to be her first time) all couldn't make it for various reasons... you were all missed! I know Beth was quite keen to go because she's finished 4 projects this year! Way to go Beth!!!!
I think on and off throughout the day we ranged from 15-20 people in various areas of the house stitching, talking, eating, and eating. We had a wonderful age range this year as well, myself youngest at 28 and the oldest, Beatrice's Mom at 88. Beatirce's Mom was an inspiration! To be 88 and still stitching! She was working on a beautiful Stonycreek piece with birds and a bridfeeder. I hope when I'm 88 I'll still be stitching away, I can't imagine my life without it.
It was nice to catch up with everyone who are regulars at the retreat and to meet the new faces. I always look forward to meeting up with Marj B, we get along so well. We also e-mail regularly and she's been great, keeping in touch with me leading up to and after my surgery.
I have to say one of my favorite parts of the whole weekend is "show and tell" we sit around the room and pull out all the projects we've finished or made significant progress on over the last year. It often leads to enabling! The star of the show this year had to be Beatrice's Mother of course!
This year the afternoon was more entertaining as it had been in past years. Ann had come up with an outrageous questionnaire where everyone one a prize! The prizes were all beautifully wrapped and stitching related. I won a couple of packs of beads in an Altoid tin. I won for having the most posts on the TWBB which I have to say is vergeing on 14,500 I think. The most distance travelled was by Carmen who came to Brighton from London via Petawawa! What a laugh!
As we hit the later hours of the evening our numbers started to dwindle. Staying overnight were about 9 of us, I had the privlidge of staying in Ann's luxurious RV! Sunday morning came with a nice sunny day. We sat around the kitchen table having breakfast, coffee, and putting in the occasional stitch on our projects. By 1 PM we all started to pack up our stitching and our newly purchased stash and headed for home...
Until next year...
Well, I was very bad and since part 9 of Mystery VI by Chatelaine was released on Sunday (a week early) I of course had to start it!!!! If I hadn't been a little depressed on Monday and couldn't get myself to do anything I could see this having been finished yesterday. But hey I shouldn't complain! September's installment is done in August!
Part 9 Full View
Part 9 Closeup

Since I'm on a finishing streak and I know I'm no where near finishing Bandon Light this month I'm going to work on finishing Mini Cottages III next!
Tuesday, August 24, 2004
Well I did promise you pictures of the fobs I made last week once they had gotten to their new owners. So here they are...
The following Fobs are for sale through Knowledge and Needles please visit the Website to get in contact with Ann to purchase one (they will eventually go on her website but just drop her an e-mail if you're interested in one you see here)
Blue Beads with Needlework Scissor Charm

Outrageously Pink with High Heel Charm - SOLD

Purple Stars with Imagine and Beleive Charms

Red and Black with Dragon Charm

Dark Blue Moons with 1/2 Moon Charm -- SOLD

Marj's Green Frog Fob, this will keep the frogging blues away from your project (not for sale)